"Third Sister! Stop this at once!" Elder Brother was shocked, "Why would you hurt your elder sister?" He quickly came to the aid of Kuan-Yin bringing her away from danger as he managed to disarm the sword from Tang Hua's hands.

Hua was baffled as if she was wronged, "Father gave her all of high-quality medicinal plants and pills yet she can't cultivate!" She stomped her foot as she glared at Kuan-Yin who had to sit down.

The Eldest Brother stormed over and slapped Tang Hua across the face, "Father gave it to her because he knew that she would put it to good use! Unlike you and Fourth Brother so would have used it recklessly." He huffed angrily as he confiscated her weapon, "And using martial arts against you sister who can't fight against that is unforgivable. Leave and never set foot into Black Jade Wing again." His stare began emitting an aura of dominance over Tang Hua who could only back down and listen to the Eldest Brother.

Hua held the place where her Elder Brother slapped her, feeling the heat. She stormed out of the room in anger back to her own personal wing, not wanting to set foot into Kuan-Yin's Wing.

"Elder Brother I think that was too harsh in Hua." Kuan-Yin calmed her Elder Brother trying to put up the act of the soft Young Miss.

"Kuan-Yin you are too soft on Hua, your kindness could be taken advantage of and you have no means to protect yourself." Elder Brother sighed in frustration as he went to check if there were any injuries on Kuan-Yin

The two siblings walked around the Black Jade Wing just talking about things in their lives but Kuan-Yin had to divulge the conversation to have the Eldest Brother talk. They drank tea that Susu brewed not too long ago. They both had a good time. Kuan-Yin reminisced about her old life since she was the only child in her family so she never had a talk like this with anyone. It was a first for her and it felt nice to have the companion of a sibling.

"Chu Hua and I are having trouble with Hong-li. I don't know what is wrong." Soon the conversation of his troubled child came up which caused Eldest Brother to sigh in frustration.

Kuan-Yin perked up at the mention of a patient "I can have a look at what's wrong with him. I have a bit of experience with babies because of the villagers." Placing her cup down. Kuan-Yin began to prepare to go out. All the hanfu in the closet were muted in colour which suited the colour pallette that she wore back in her old life.

They both walked into his home which wasn't far. They could easily hear the cries of a young baby from the front entrance, "Chu Hua! You should be resting in bed." Eldest Brother's wife was rocking their newborn child in her arms, trying to comfort the baby. "I'm trying to comfort him but he is still crying." Chu Hua sighed in exhaustion from trying every method to get him to rest. Though she was exhausted from the restless nights her heart aches for her child who was in pain.

Just from first impression, Chu Hua was a beautiful woman. She has a slim body with a grace that could rival a swan. Despite the exhaustion, her slim oval face was emphasised by her pale complexion. Her hair was a beautiful ebony colour. Her eyes were a soft brown shade. Her lips had a soft red tint to them which was only emphasised by her contrasting complexion.

Their baby was wailing in the mother's embrace. "Can I see the baby?" Kuan-Yin asked puzzled at the baby's behaviour who was not hungry or needed a nappy change.

Chu Hua gave her baby to Kuan who began to use internal energy to examine the baby's body. A little black wiggly thing was swimming in the baby. Kuan-Yin was immediately alarmed, this creature was dangerous. "Get me needles! As thin as possible! Hurry!" This caused panic amongst the surrounding people who immediately went on a hunt for needles.

Chu Hua and Brother were frightened at my sudden outburst and rushed to find thin needles. After a couple of minutes, they brought over 100 needles. Kuan-Yin examined the needles. "Are these the thinnest ones?" Questioning whether there was anything thinner.

"Yes, they are! Is our child alright!" Chu Hua exclaimed in fright rattled by the urgency of Kuan-Yin's request. 

The needles given to Kuan-Yin weren't ideal but they will do for now. She began to lay the baby upright and began using internal energy. Kuan-Yin placed needles into the baby's so that they would block the meridians. This would prevent the black worm from going anywhere.

The baby's wails were very loud which pulled at Chu Hua's heart string who was anxious and she tried to reach for her baby. But, thankfully Eldest Brother was holding her back. This little wriggly thing was hard to get rid of and it took an hour to get rid of. Seeing the worm becoming inactive Kuan-Yin took the needles out, and a black liquid seeped out of the skin of the baby. But, the liquid soon began to form back into its wiggly form.

Using a bottle from the ring space, Kuan-Yin scooped up the dangerous parasite. Seeing as the baby was out of danger Kuan-Yin's body slumped to the ground, exhausted, "Mei Mei is my little Hong alright?" Chu Hua rushed over to Hong-li, cradling him in her arms. Kuan-Yin let out an exhausted breath as sweat ran down her face, nodding.

"What is that black thing?" Brother pointed at the black thing wriggling around in the glass bottle. Concern was etched on his face questioning how Little Hong would have contracted this dangerous entity.

"This is a parasite, a dangerous one at that. Someone must have given this to your baby while you were sleeping." Kuan-Yin keenly examined the specimen in amazement, "This type of parasite is unusual but it can be lethal to any living being, slowly eating away are the host dantain by travelling through their meridians before eating away at the organs, bones and flesh. Eventually, finding a new host, but thankful Hong-li has a big dantain which will recover once he can cultivate." Kuan-Yin explained it in detail. However, Eldest Brother and Chu Hua were horrified to hear such a thing existed.

The couple soon began to bid Kuan-Yin farewell at his estate but Chu Hua stopped Kuan-Yin in her tracks. "I can't thank you enough for saving little Hong." Tears soon began pouring as the relief of her baby's safety was achieved.

Kuan-Yin was quickly shocked to see such a scene and quickly rushed to comfort her sister-in-law, "Sister-in-law it's fine we are family. Family should help one another in their time of need." Chu Hua grabbed a ring from her pocket and gave it to Kuan-Yin, "This is payment for saving little Hong's life." Though its content couldn't compare to her own. It was a gesture that mean their gratitude for saving their child.

The ring that Chu Hua gave Kuan-Yin was indeed a high-quality Interspatial Ring that would be very expensive and she was probably saving it for Hong in the future. "Sister-in-law, I can't accept this gift." Rejecting the gift politely, "But, instead, can I come over to play with little Hong now and then." Kuan-Yin laughed as she watched the couple give their utmost gratitude to her.

In the far distance, a mysterious male stood in the distance smiling at the scene of a young woman laughing with a baby. He soon faded away in the air as if he wasn't there.

The Benevolent Miracle Doctor [Completed] [In Progress of Editing]Where stories live. Discover now