"Come on, how does a warm bath sound?" I turn to Sarah and give her a small smile.

"It sounds nice." She helps me over to a large golden bath, and she puts me on a stool while unbuttoning the back of my dress. She helps me into the bath, and I sigh as the warm water, soaks my stiff muscles. She stays silent, and I appreciate this. But I can tell she wants to say something, so I ask her a question.

"Has anyone ever bitten Agatha before?" She laughs, a warm, infectious laugh.

"No, they have not. I think, at least for now, she will leave you alone."

"Good." I say, giving my head a small nod.

"However, you should not bite everyone here. Some of them forget to clean themselves daily. They smell horrible, and I can't imagine how that would taste." I giggle. She finishes washing my hair, and she gives me a robe to put on while she gets a nightgown. It is silver, and soft as silk. She helps me over to the bed, and tucks me in. It is easier for me to move after the bath. However my head starts to hurt, the first sign I am low on medicine.

"Now you sleep well. You will need to get better soon, and rest is essential to that." She takes my arm, and inserts the needle of my drip bag. I put on my breathing mask, and adjust it until it feels right. My headache goes away, and I feel drowsy. She pats my head, and leaves the room. Stars shine through the window, and I fall asleep.


I am in the library looking through various books, searching for symptoms like Claire's. I pause for a minute as I remember holding her. She was light, certainly no heavier than a child. She was also way too thin, I had felt her bones. She had clung to me, and I remember the feeling that had come with that.

It had been like holding a small fire. A warmth had spread through my body, invading every crevice. It was a foreign feeling to me, as I am always cold. Then, I thought back to the scene that had taken place a few minutes ago. Claire had been so afraid. I felt a wave of rage crash over me towards Clint. Natasha told me everything, and I can't imagine how anyone could hurt her. She is so sweet and innocent, but she carries more pain than more adults ever had.

She is like an abused dog. She has had bad treatment, and now she flinches at every hand that reaches towards her. And in some cases, strikes at the hand. I smirk as I remember Agatha's face. She has never been bitten before, let alone disobeyed. Most were too afraid of her to do anything other than obey her.

I slam the book shut. I can't find anything, and it makes me frustrated. There are some diseases where she has some of the symptoms, but then she is missing the crucial one. I put my head in my hands and my shoulders slump.

"Do not worry, Milord. You will find something for her." I look up to see Sarah standing in front of me, a cup in her hand. "You need to drink this. It will help you stay awake."

"How did you know that I was planning on being up all night?" I take the cup and drink it.

"When you are worried, you do all that you can to help that person. You would do it with Thor when he was hurt or sick. And I can tell you are worried about her. It is seen in your eyes and actions. When she was scared, you went and comforted her." I look at her tiredly.

"I hope that it is all for something. For all I know she hates me." Sarah chuckles.

"She does not hate you. She trusts you, and in her case, that means a lot. Think about it, you were the only one who could even get her off the bed. She hid behind you, which means she trusts you enough to use you as her shield."

"How is she? I hope she did not give you any more trouble." She shakes her head.

"No, she was as sweet as a lamb. She is fine. I was so glad to get her out of that horrid dress. And she is so skinny. I wanted to comment on it, but I didn't as I knew she would not appreciate it. She is asleep now, I put her drip in and mask on. That is such a ghastly thing, the mask." I stand, giving her the cup back. I go to the door, I am going to check in on her. I need to make sure she is ok.

"Thank you, Sarah. You may go to bed now, your job is completed." She just gives me a small smile and nods, as if she knows what I am going to do. I go out the door and make my way to her room. It is next to mine, so that I can hear if she needs help in the middle of the night. I softly open her door and go in.

I walk over to her bed and look at her. Her breaths are even, with her chest rising and falling. Her hair shines in the moonlight, clean from all the dirt that had built up. I watch her, and think about what Sarah said.

"She trusts you." I smile. Can I be trusted? I have hurt so many people. She is so innocent, I don't feel that she could hurt anyone if she tried. She is like a child and an adult combined. Like a child, she is easily frightened and impressed. Her voice is soft, and quiet. She always wears a smile, unless she is scared.

But then, there is the adult part of her. She has dealt with a great deal of pain, more than many people ever go through in their lifetime. She has fought this illness for several years, never giving up. Looking down at her, I frown at the mask on her face. She whimpers, and squirms. Not wanting her to wake up, I gently take her hand. Almost immediately she quiets, and she holds onto my hand.

Once she is fast asleep again, I leave the room. With a renewed vigor, I head back to the library. I will find a cure for her, and I will help her get better.


I watch as Loki exits Claire's room, a firm determination on his face. I smile, it is about time that he found a girl to care for. Perhaps, she will look past what he has done and become interested in him. Everyone knows that they have both gone through so much. Betrayal, loss of love. They would help each other heal, and learn to really love.

I go to my mother's room, and knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Her gentle voice inquires.

"It is Thor."

"Come in." I open the door and enter. She rises from the sofa she is on and gives me a hug. "How are you?"

"I am well, Mother. I was wondering whether you had been informed of the mortal girl's arrival." She nods, and smiles.

"Yes I had. I actually sent a few servants down there to help her. However, the girl did not seem to like Agatha. She bit her." I hold back a laugh.

"She bit Agatha?"

"Yes. It is sad, though, that one so young is so sick."

"Yes it is. I believe Loki feels the same way. He has barely left the library since she arrived."

"Really? That is odd, even for him."

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