The night she was kidnapped by cannibals.

Leah thought she may as well save herself the pain of getting force-fed, tied up and sedated, so she slowly pushed the meat into her mouth, her hands rattling and her eyes watering- she tried so hard to hide it well. All she had to do was pretend it was regular food, like chicken. But it was more difficult to physically accomplish than it was in her mind.

Jared watched intently as she chewed the meat. It was very thick, and she just wanted to swallow it before she spewed everywhere; they'd probably force her head into it like a dog. But, it felt like her teeth were weak and audibly shattering because no matter how hard she tried, it wouldn't chew, and it felt like forever before the chunky slice of human flesh slid down her throat.

Jared smirked beside her in her defeat and she shuddered but showed him a controlled smile before focusing her attention elsewhere.

" Can I be excused?" Theo muttered and everyone on the table, apart from Leah, looked over at him.

" Sweetie, you haven't finished your food," Lindsay said and Theo huffed at her.

" Because i don't want it, Mom." Theo mimicked her voice and Gabriel was struck with a shocked expression as he gave his son the devil eyes. The incredulity still evident.

" Theodore, don't speak to your mother like that," Gabriel shouted at his son, his voice deep and venomed. Theo scoffed and turned his head from them all. Silence struck for longer than it should have before Gabriel started to play games.

"Is this about what happened earlier?" Gabriel asked his son and Theo slammed his cutlery against his plate, causing Leah to gasp and jump in fright, distracting her from her wicked, uncontrollable thoughts.

" She wouldn't stop screaming so I killed her, okay?!" Theo yelled and his father had an astonished appearance. His son had never spoke to him so rudely. He'd raised them better than that, and Theo controlled his attitude because he knew he'd get the beating of his life.

" She was gagged, so quite frankly, that's not true. I told you to wait for Jared to bring Leah back in!" Gabriel roared and Theo's mind was working overtime with annoyance. Theo tutted and rolled his eyes, knowing his father had caught him out. He couldn't think of another excuse. The pressure of all eyes on him was eating him alive.

" Why did you do it, Theo?" Gabriel asked sarcastically, that angry face still on his son. Instead of replying, Theo got up from his chair, shoving it under and storming out the kitchen.

Gabriel breathed and shut his eyes before following his son out the room.

Leah hadn't really concentrated on the argument that had just occurred- despite her hearing and reacting to the loud voices surrounding her. Leah's focus was fixed on the sharp blade that lay on the table. Her vision only shifted when Lindsay began grabbing everything of that table, including the knife. Leah hadn't even finished, but nobody seemed to care.

"Lets go up," Jared said.

He roughly took Leah's arm and led her up the stairs. Leah turned back and watched Lindsay wash the dishes, the soft sponge cleansing the knife she'd ate with. Ate human with. But she wasn't thinking about that. Of course it haunted her memory, but that knife.

That knife was glued to her mind.

Was she seriously considering it? Considering.. using it? What? She wouldn't dare. They were much stronger and if they caught her, she'd be murdered for sure, whether Jared got a new girl or not. But, if she continued this way, here, with these cannibals, she were going to die. They assured her she was safe, but one blow from Jared could kill her and she knew it. He was such an angry boy, despite his fake kindness at times.

Kidnapped By Cannibals- Leah MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now