If you're going to get pregnant, you have to eat, right?


They were cannibals.

Leah felt every bit of colour drain out of her complexion instantly. The rosy in her lips and cheeks had faded and she was practically a ghost. Her throat was dry; she couldn't talk. Her breathes was heavy and she was clouded by disgust, causing everything to move in slow motion. This couldn't be. It couldn't..

" Jared.." Leah managed to whisper, and the boys swung their bodies round automatically, noticing her deadly face gazing at them. As Leah viewed Jared, his hands and clothes were drenched in crimson blood. It started from his chest and ended at his trousers. He looked as if he'd quenched it like juice as it covered his entire mouth area and leaked down his neck. She didn't had time too scream before she covered her mouth and did nothing as she lost her balance. One leg fell forward and Leah collapsed down the staircase, her head slamming against the floor and her unconscious figure on the ground; her head began pouring with blood almost instantly.

" Leah!" Jared shrieked before running to her side and checking her pulse. It was beating.

" I thought you sedated her?!" Gabriel roared at his son and Jared looked up at him.

" I did. But I only gave her a bit because we're running low." Jared told him and Gabriel looked at his son with disapproval. On the bright side, Gabe could now see if his oldest boy could handle what was coming. If Jared thought these past couples of days had been bad, he didn't know what was about to hit him like a ton of bricks. Leah was going to go insane when she woke up. They'd been feeding her human, and she had no idea.

Jared picked Leah up into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. Gabriel followed closely behind, huffing as he left unfinished business in the basement.

Jared reckoned Leah would freak and attack when she awoke, so he tied her arms up to the bed, but not as tightly. She was already knocked out of conciseness. He'd stop her blood flowing with the rope and she'd probably die.

He didn't get another.

Jared grabbed some bandages out a cabinet and removed her glasses to place them on her wound. He shook her body to try and wake her but she wouldn't budge. Jared dragged his hands through his hair as he raced to the bathroom and poured a cup of water. He stormed up to her and threw it in her face, but that wasn't successful either.

" Leave her." A voice said from behind him and he turned to see his father and mother stood behind him. Gabriel snaked his arm around his wife and left. Jared looked back at Leah, sighing and scratching the back of his neck. He turned to the door and slowly left the room, glancing again at her before shutting the door.


When Leah's eyes finally fluttered open, her head pounded furiously and she winced. It took a while to take in where she was. Everything was so blurry. she couldn't see and she realised her glasses weren't on. Leah went to get them from the nightstand when something tugged at her arm. She was tied to a bed.

That's right. She was still at that farm.

As she brought her vision twelve o clock, she seen a figure move towards her until the cold metal touched her temple and the glasses were propped on her face. She blinked a few times and when she opened her eyes, she saw Jared sat in front of her on the bed. He smiled at her.

"Hey, how you feeling?"

Leah's head ached like mad, the pain sprawling from her forehead to the back where it throbbed. She shut her eyes but it only caused the pain to spread. " What happened?"

Kidnapped By Cannibals- Leah MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now