Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

“Arise. We need to get out of here. I want to go back to my family, and I want you all to be free.” I tell them. They stand at my command and approach me, but I am no longer threaten. The man, who appears to be the leader, stands closest. He cuts my ties with his claws.  “Can you talk?” I ask him gently. He doesn’t say anything, but nods. “What is your name?” I ask.

“Graham.” He says, his voice has a slight French accent. I smile at him. He is taller than me with sandy hair, and a bulky tall frame.

“Can they talk?” I ask him. I look at the others, whose eyes are focused on Graham.

“No, they have been longer. The silver will take longer to leave their system.” He tells me.

“How long have you been here?” I ask him, quietly.

“I don’t know.” He replies.

“I am so sorry.” I tell him. He smiles, and it looks friendly despite his fangs and claws. We stare at each other for a second before we hear a loud scream from upstairs.


“We have to save my friend,” I tell them and Graham nods. I run to the metal door and hear them follow me. The slow feeling of dread creeps back into my blood again. I put my hands on the door, I turn and look at the wolves. They’re staring at me, looking at me for guidance. I put on hand on the handle and turn it, just to see. It was unlocked. Graham is standing beside me and I look at him in amazement.

“Alexander isn’t very smart, is he?” I tell him. I hear a bark of laughter from one of the girl wolves. I open and peer out side, and see no one. I take a step out, but am pushed back by Graham who stands in from of me protectively. We all make into the hallway and I am surround by the wolves. They are surrounding their Queen, ready to strike if the need arises. One of the women puts her clawed hand on my arm. I look at her, and I see calmness in her face.

“Stay close to me, my Lady.” She tells me and I nod. “Anna.” She says, telling me her name. I smile. Niall screams pierce though the house. I turn and look at the wolves.

“Find a blonde Child of the Moon.” I tell them. They nod and run though house, fulfilling my orders. I wait impatiently glued to my spot, I rush down the hall looking in every room I pass. Must of the rooms are empty and I groan with frustration.

“Your Highness!” I hear an unknown voice ring out. I run to where I hear it, and find the room where four of the wolves stand. Graham and another wolf have Devan pinned on the ground, snarling and growling at him. I see genuine fear in his eyes, he turns his gaze to me. I almost pity him till I see Niall. He is still tied to the chair and blood is pouring from his face. He looks beaten to the point of unconsciousness and I rush to him.

“Niall, Niall, sweetie. Please, please, say something.” I beg him. I watch as he struggles to open his eyes. He finally opens one, looks at me, and he manages a small smile.

“Leave it to you to save the day.” He says wheezing. I untie him, and he falls in to my arms and begins to sob quietly. “I want Zayn, Iz.” He tells me, crying. My heart breaks, and I whip my head around. All of the other wolves have made it into the room and look from me to Devan. One of the wolves rushes forward and gently pulls Niall from my arms and stands up with him. I smile at him gratefully, and he nods in return. I slowly walk over to where Devan is being held.

“Tell me where Alexander is.” I demand. He doesn’t answer, and I look at Graham. Graham twists his arm into an unnatural position, Devan screams in pain.

“OK! OK! He is in the west wing of the manor.” He says, panting.

“How many other bloodsuckers are in the house?” I ask. He doesn’t answer right away, and I look at Graham. Devan eyes widen.

“Wait! Wait! It’s just Alex and I. We wanted to have the manor to ourselves, for when we had you two.” Somehow he manage to smirk, and looked at the wolf who was holding a still crying Niall.

“Kill him.” I tell the wolves, and before Devan can scream in protest, his head is pulled off from his body, and it crumbles to ashes. I stand up and walk over to Niall and the wolf.

“Darren.” He says, quietly, not looking me in the eyes. He looked like he was only fifteen or sixteen, he looked fragile and small.

“Thank you, Darren.” I tell him, he looks at me and has a look of awe in his eyes.

“You’re welcome, Your Highness.” He replies.

“Let’s go find Alexander.”

One more chapter then the epilogue! Where has the time gone?! 

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