Finally pulling myself off the ground when I felt normal again, I walked back to my home in human form. I needed the long walk to focus on keeping that memory hidden for now. Normally, mom or my grandmother wouldn't invade my privacy like I wouldn't invade their's but that doesn't mean they won't if they think some is off or wrong with me.

With the memory of Ki, safely hidden in my mind, I walked in the house and into the kitchen. My first mission is to get a phone, I didn't really think I would need one but right now I do.

"Are you okay honey?" my gran asked straight away, she always know when I'm looking for something.

"Yeah I'm great, I was just wondering if I would be able to get a phone?" I asked sheepishly. I hate begging for money.

"Yeah of course, I have been waiting for you to ask, I knew once you got settle in school you would need one, what teenager doesn't. I know to well you think you're begging but you're not. You're mom set up a bank account with all the money you will need" She smiled as she rooted through her bag til she found her purse.

"Found it" She smiled as she walked toward me and placed the card in my hand.

"Mom left this" I smiled, relieved.

"She did, you don't ever have to worry about money. You're mom might live in hell but she also come up to invest money and check on her investments. She has a great eye for which companies to invest in and make a lot of money from" She smiled proudly.

"Really" I asked surprised.

"Yes honey, you're mom has been planning you coming up here for year's. She wants you to have a normal life as possible and made sure you have the money to help with that like buying your self a phone and you're own car or bike" She said smiling wickedly at the last choice.

"I think the last one sounds perfect, I might see if Emily will drive me and help me pick out everything I need" I said.

"Emily, as in Alpha female Emily, she was a nasty bitch to you!" my gran said shocked and with a protective look in her eyes.

"Yep, the same one, but after our fight we have learned to respect each other and strangely enough we found that we can actually get on without killing each other" I explained.

"I suppose that's one way to sort things out, she isn't a bad girl and she is a good fighter but that alpha female goes to her head at time" She smiled.

"It did for a while til she got that knocked out of her. Thanks for this gran, I'm going to get changed and then try find her" I smiled as I gave her a hug.

Walking into my room, I rooted through my wardrobe for something to wear and at the moment I decided I need new clothes especially when I have a mate now. Throwing on a white tank top with a skull designed in stones, I put on black denim shorts and my Adidas sneakers. Giving my hair a quick brush through and I'm done. Running down the stairs and out the door, I started walking to the pack house. It took a few minute's to get there. Once inside I checked around for Emily. There is no sign of her downstairs so I walked up the stairs and down through the hallway to find her door. Eventually I found it and knocked on her door. I know she is inside because I can hear her rapid breathing. After another couple of knocks with no answer, I just turned the handle and walked in.

Standing in the door way, I couldn't believe what I'm seeing. The normally strong, feisty and on occasion funny and hard alpha female is lying on the bed crying her eyes out. Not knowing what to do, I just did what my mom and gran always told me to do if someone close to them is hurting. Without a word, I closed the door and walked towards her. Getting on the bed behind, I wrapped my arm around her and stroked her hair the same way my mom and gran did. Right now my heart is breaking for her, whatever caused her to be in this state is something bad. Over the weeks we have grown close and we're still smart asses with each but that's half the fun of our friendship but during training we're serious. I have been helping her become a stronger and more technical fighter than she already is and she has come on great.

Leaving Hell (Book 3 in the Dark Angel series)Where stories live. Discover now