Chapter 31

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Destiny POV

Ever since Jacob choked me I've been more cautious with him. I don't even say things I know he would piss him off. I don't really feel comfortable around him either.

On another note, my birthday is coming up in a week. This year I don't really want to do anything. Lily wants to take me to a restaurant but I haven't really been in the mood to do anything. I use to tell Lily everything but now I'm scared to even tell her what's going on. She catches on too fast she'll know that something is wrong.

"What do you want to do on your birthday" Jacob asked me sitting on the bed.

"I don't really want to do anything" I honestly said.

"Can we just stay here?"

"Oh ok, the whole day just me and you"

The day of my birthday...

"Happy birthday" he kissed me on cheek.

I know I said I didn't want to do anything but I was really hoping he surprised me with something. He didn't even give me a gift.

"You could go on the room. I'll be there in a bit" he says. I go in his room and he was taking forever. I went in the living room to see what's holding him up.

He was on the living room couch snorting cocaine.

"Jacob why?" I pouted.

"Come try some with me" he says. Is he fucking crazy?

"Could I just have some weed?" I suggested.

"Ok" he went into his room and pulled out a blunt that was already prepared.

I've tried weed before but this is a little stronger than what I've had.

"Have you ever had sex while you're high?" he asked me.

I shook my head no and he carried me over his shoulder onto his bed.

Sadly, that was the best sex I had with him. Maybe, I'll try it again.

I woke up in the middle of the night. so I go through my phone to see Simon texted me hours and hours ago. At least, he didn't forget about my birthday.

Happy birthday beautiful. Call me when you get the chance 😘

My heart was beating so fast. I want to call him now but, what if Jacob wakes up.

I don't care anymore I'm going in the bathroom and calling him. He probably won't answer the phone it's like 3 in the morning.

I went into the bathroom and called him. Surprisingly, he answered the phone. You don't know how nervous I was. I am just as nervous as I was the first night I had sex with Simon.

"Simon?" I whispered.

"Why are you whispering" he asked in a sleepy tone. Aw I woke him up out of his sleep. "Is something wrong?" He added. Even through the phone he could tell that I'm not ok.

"No its just my roommate is sleeping and I don't want her to wake up." I lied. I could tell he knew I was lying.

" was your birthday?"

My Bestfriend's Dad (SIMON D AMBW) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now