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"look- uh, what's your name?",

"Love", the woman sadly answered.

"Seriously ", Leo raised his brow.

"Yes", Love responded, wiping her tears.

Leo laughed.

"What is so funny?", Love asked.

"Well, it's sorta cliche, and your name, i mean, come on, that's the best your parents got", Leo joked.

"And what about yours, ah, let me guess, Darren, Timothy, Bob", Love giggled.

"Really, Bob's what you can come up with?", Leo snickered.

Love shrugged her shoulders.

"It's Leo", he said to her.

Love looked at the man then burst into a fit of laughter, "of all names, your parents chose the one with the horoscope of lies".

"At least I wasn't born in the month", Leo explained.

"So why would they named you Leo?", Love giggled.

Leo joined in on the laughter, he didn't know what is was, but seeing her whole hearted smile made everything seemed right, she appeared so peaceful.

When Love finally caught her breath, she asked, "so what month are you?".

Leo cleared his throat, "this month, and its my birthday".

Love fell silent, "I'm really sorry".

"What for?", Leo puzzled.

"Because you shouldn't have to spend your birthday this way, locked in, in this place", Love looled around the store, "with a total stranger".

"Well, it definitely beats what was to come, besides I'm not complaining", Leo looked right through her eyes.

She felt a warm gush in the pit of her stomach, she was even sure her cheeks were as red as an apple.

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