Chapter Six

Depuis le début

Leah was already breaking. She could feel it.

Her thoughts were swiped when the door swung open and Theo walked inside. His denim dungarees were covered in mud and he panted for breath as he walked into the kitchen. Gabriel followed closely behind but Jared was missing. Leah had expected him too come through the door and she was surprised when they shut it behind them.

Gabriel held his arms out and pulled his wife in for a kiss. Leah scrunched her brows and turned to Gabriel.

" Where's Jared?" Leah found herself asking, confused as to why she was bothered.

" He's just finishing of some work. He will be in soon." Gabriel told her.

" What work?"

Gabriel brought his menacing eyes to meet hers and she looked away in fright. They burned into her as a revolting smile became taped to his mouth.

"I know you're eager for my sons attention, darling, but I have told Jared to talk to you about asking questions. Has he done that?" Gabriel asked, raising his eyebrows and waiting for a response. His sarcastic face mocking her.

" He has." 

" Then why are you interviewing me, Leah?"

Leah slumped her head towards the ground and went over to her stool, noticing the dry ruby blood splattered against the walls; they were still unwashed. Lindsay brought the food over to the table and the smell of delicious, cooked meat filled her nostrils.

" Sorry," Leah mumbled quietly, feeling defeated. The sound of the door being unlocked could be heard and Leah brought her head upwards by the sudden noise.

Jared appeared, gasping for air and he removed his baseball cap off his hair to wipe his sweaty forehead. Leah looked down at his clothes to see they were covered in blood and she shrieked piercingly, throwing her damp hand over her mouth. The bile rose in her throat and she couldn't take her eyes from his clothing. Was that human blood? No..

Jared huffed out in frustration and Leah began to sob, nearly collapsing to the ground there and then. The tears wouldn't stop falling, and she knew he'd be mad about this. She wanted to stop, but they simply ran on their own. The sounds started of small, then became painful within seconds of realisation that this was reality.

This was her home.

" Leah, calm down, would you? One of the sheep were sick, so we had to shoot it,"

A wave of relief traveled through her body, but she wasn't fully convinced and more tears began to stream down her worn out face. She wanted to stop, but something told her that it wasn't just the blood she was crying about. It was everything.

Everything these people were doing to her.

Jared took a seat next to her, leaving her too cry and began eating his food. He wasn't in the mood for sorting her out tonight. Leah was already too much work. No matter what you told her, it went in one ear and out the other, and Jared was beginning to lose his marbles; so was everyone else.

" Does she ever stop?" Theo moaned, throwing his head backwards and Jared could tell he was just itching like an addict for an argument tonight.  He'd disliked Leah since she arrived because of her tears that kept him up each night.

Kidnapped By Cannibals- Leah MarshallOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant