what friends thought

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Tony: pepper

Pepper: she is the most cutest baby of all time

Steve: Natasha

Nat: before you know it she will know all the lyrics to the plage of elegants.

Thor: Loki/Odin/Frigga

Loki: cute... Not that cute but cute

Odin: strong. Looks like you. Nice smile. She is the perfect little princess

Frigga: She's so cute. My little princess. I always wanted a girl!!!

Loki: Thor/Odin/Frigga

Thor: She is the most prettiest child in all the realms.

Odin: Who would leave a kid out

Frigga: I always wanted a girl!!!!

Natasha: Clint

Clint: She's a tough cookie

Bucky: Steve

Steve: She is going to change you for the good.

Nick: Coulison

Coulison: Can I use her to get to Captain America

Wanda: Vision

Vision: She has a warm smile

Bruce: Natasha

Natasha:she can be your jolly green giant!

I can't think of one for nat sorry

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