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It's all my fault...
I'm the reason he's almost dead...
Why am I here...,If I'm just a mistake...
Maybe if I was dead everyone would be safe and happy...
Fuck!!! Kill me!!!

"Oy, are you even listening to me??" Frank snapped me out of my daydream.. "uh.. yeah, something about sex or something" he smirks. "No but now I know what you want" I smile, trying to hide the fact I'm about to have a mental break down...

"Anyway, get dressed we have school". Let's go for a new look. Maybe people will like me then. (Outfit on the top of the screen)

All the guys are downstairs and I'm just sat on my bed crying putting my shoes on. I get a genius idea. "Gee! Have you got a sharpener!?" I hear him running up the stairs. "Yeah, what for?" I sigh, does he even know about me self harming??. "I took art yesterday and a cunt stole my sharpener and miss said if I don't get all my equipment ready by tomorrow then I'll have a detention after school" he nods and passes me a sharpener. "Keep it" he smiles thinking he just prevented an after school detention... in reality he just created scars...

*in the car*

"You okay??" He broke the silence "of course... why?" Frank seems on edge... "the Tyler thing, we can visit him after school if you want??" I nod and stare out of the window, contemplating life while listening to truce (Tøp).

Frank could tell something was up, he just didn't wanna mention it though, he hesitated on every sentence but never said what his original thought was.

My plan was to cut first lesson because the teachers here don't care, nor do students so I can get my wrist out and just slice it.

"Oh yeah, I'm supplying for an English teacher today, not sure which one" he adds to his confusing sentence and I just nod.

*first lesson-English*

I get in early, I had the opportunity to start slicing my wrist open while no teacher was there, so that's what I did. Luckily I always carry bandages and tissue so I covered it and pulled my sleeve down,this is when everyone finally piled in the room.

Frank walked in, great. "Morning class, miss Peters is ill today so I'm taking over your lesson" I frown and headbutt my desk. Everyone sits down and my bully decides to sit next to me because miss isn't here.

I didn't realise but the blood has seeped through my shirt. I decided to cut my hand under my desk and blood was dripping onto the floor. "Um, Damon. Are you on your phone" 'Mr Iero' asked, I sighed and shook my head. "Yeah he is!" My bully added. "lift your hands onto the table please" he walks up to me.

I did as he asked. "Dee- Damon, stand outside and wait for me.." I stood up and wiped my hand with my sleeve. This is when I noticed my wrist had bled through. "Dammit!" I scream punching the wall.

Frank walks out and makes sure he closed the door properly. "Hand me the blade babe" I shake my head while tears are falling down my face. "This is killing me, I can't give you the comfort you need at school, I promise when we get home I'll make you a hot chocolate and we can cuddle watching movies okay?? Just please pass me the blade".

I give him a faint smile and hand over the blade. "Now, go wash your hands, I'll go grab you my jacket from the car okay?" I smile and nod. We part ways and I clean my wrist and hand, eventually they stopped bleeding so I re bandaged them and walked back to frank, we exchanged clothes and I entered the room again wearing frank's jacket. Before frank got back, the bully decided he wanted to fuck me about.

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