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We was finally home... Home...? That sounds strange.

I look out the window to so a huge house "what the fuck, this place is huge" i say looking at Frank "yup" he replies

We both get out if the car and grab my things "i like how its all black" i say and frank nods "needed to fit the revenge era you see" Gerard said coming up behind me

"Right, me and Frank are the same height, now i know how he feels compared to you" i laugh "maybe Frank is also gay like you too?" Gerard adds "yes im gay but not for you Gerard" Frank pats Gerard and they both laugh "I'm straight thanks very much" gee says patting Frank back and everyone laughs

"Im a British gay lord" i say proudly "2 gay lords now?" Mikey giggles walking up to us "yep, very proud too" we both say smiling

"Aha i think we should get in the house now" Gerard says and we all nod and go to the house

"So this is the house, you an Frank share a room so he will show you your room, but today we have a gig at some festival thing and you can come along if you want" Gee says so i nod

Frank takes me to our room and its huge, just like the rest of the house its also black as fuck.

You could call me the kind of hippie emo type of person by the way...

"Where do you want your guitar?" Frank asks smiling "just next to the desk, im going to get changed for the festival so ill be down in a min" i say, frank nods, puts my guitar down and leaves the room

Because its a festival i put on my tie dye peace sign shirt (purple, pink and light blue), i put my red skinny jeans on, i take my jacket off, i put my tie dye converse on, shit tons of bracelets to cover my arms... and i wear my flower crown

I go downstairs and struggle to find the living room, but I eventually get there

"Fuck..." Frank says looking at me biting his lip "i mean what?!" He then shouts terrified "umm... I dont know aha" i giggle and sit down next to Frank

"Gee come and look at you little brothers outfit for the festival!" Frank shouts piercing my ears

Gee walks in "fucking hell, you will fit right in, its a hippie fest" he says and sits down

"Then why the fuck are you going?" I ask gee really confused "they have sides, we are preforming in the rock side" he replies and i smile "why you smiling?" Gee asks "forgot my big brothers are in a band i really love" i say

He giggles "lets get in the van" Ray says walking in the room "wait van??" I thought they only had a car. "How else would we bring the equipment?" Gee says "ahh" i reply

We all get in the van and once again im in the back with Ray and Frank, not that i was complaining or anything...

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