"What the..." she trailed off in disbelief.

"We should continue based on how the game is set up," I suggested. "Who knows what could happen."

They agreed, and Jacob and I walked over in Sayori's direction. She looked about the same from this morning, if not a little better. Once we finished, we move on to Monika next.

"You guys heard that, didn't you?" Monika asked with her eyes wide.

I nodded. "So did Natsuki. She knows she's in the game now."

Another glitch, and for a second, the three of us went airborne. We fell onto the floor along with Natuski stumbling into a desk.

"Oh my God!" Sayori exclaimed. "What happened!?"

I helped Monika up. "Are you okay?"

"Not another word," she said to us in a low voice. "The game could crash, and I'm not sure if I can restart it."

That sent shivers down my spine. Monika tried to sound as if we were messing around and all of us fell over.

"Everything is fine," Monika reassured. "Let's just get back to sharing poems."

"Jacob," Yuri suddenly said. "Come read my poem now."

I glanced at Monika nervously, and she motioned towards the door. "You know what comes next."

Natsuki and a confused Sayori followed us out.


As Jacob walked with Yuri, he prepared for the worst.

He took a deep breath. "Hey Yuri, how's it going?"

Yuri spins around and gives him the beady eyes. "Jacob! I'm so happy to see you!"

"Um, that's good. W-Would you, uh, like to share poems?" he nervously asked her, knowing the poem he was about to receive.

"I would love to!"

Oh, God. Jacob could feel the blood as he tried to decipher the poem, but with absolutely zero success. Now, what am he supposed to say? Before Jacob could even try to think, he looked up to see the creepiest part of Yuri.

Her eyes were bulging and moving in unrealistic manners as she stood directly in front of him. He froze, not knowing what to do.



Jacob tried his best to act brave, and he keep telling myself to don't let her touch that knife. However, he knew that it was going to be a lot harder than he was making it out to be.

Yuri smiled. "This is all I ever wanted, Jacob. I'm so happy that I finally get this chance to be alone with you. I just want you to come to my house, Jacob.

She paused for a minute. "Wow, there's really something wrong with me, isn't there?"

He just stood there and listened to what she has to say.

"But I don't care anymore. I've never felt this good in my life. Jacob, I'm addicted to you. I'd die if I don't breathe the same air as you. Doesn't it sound wonderful to have someone that loves you that much? Tell me, Jacob, tell me that you want to be my lover! Do you accept my confession?"

There it is. The question Jacob had been preparing for since he ever thought about finding a way into the game. However, it seemed like he took too long to answer her.

"Ahaha... I didn't think so."

Jacob watched her pull out a huge knife It was bigger and sharper-looking than the one they found at Sayori's house. He watched her aim it at her stomach.

"Goodbye, Jacob."

He ran up to tackle her, but he was afraid the impact would jar the knife into her. Instead, Jacob grabbed the blade of the knife, and pain immediately shot through his body. He snatched it out of her hand and threw it across the room.

Time froze as blood dripped on the floor from the deep gash in his hand, and Yuri just stood there, stunned.

"J-Jacob, why?"

"I won't let you do that. I can't afford to lose you, Yuri."

She stared at me in disbelief. "Really...?"

Jacob saw the shy part of her return. "I-I..."

Before she can make out a sentence, Jacob pulled her into a hug. They sat together for about a minute, and Jacob began to feel lightheaded. He almost fell over, but Yuri caught him.

"Let's get you cleaned up."

She helped him up, and they find a first aid kit in the closet next to Natsuki's manga. Yuri takes out the bandages, and wraps his hand with the wrap, and after she cleans up the blood from Jacob's hand. He was glad she was doing this since, since he probably would've messed it up on his own.

Yuri suddenly pulls him into a hug and starts crying. "I'm so sorry Jacob, I don't know what I was thinking! Please forgive me!"

She cries into Jacob's uniform shirt. He returned the hug.

"Shh, it's okay, as long as your safe. That's all I care right now."



Hey guys! What an ending to this chapter am I right? So anyway, I'll cut (pun intended) to the chase. I'll basically say what I said in the update I published earlier, in case you haven't seen it. I wasn't expecting to finish this today, so I'm surprised myself. I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is, the track meet that I mentioned earlier was canceled, so I was able to write a huge amount of this story. But here's the bad news.

I lost a friend about two days ago. He committed suicide due to unknown reasons and I've been really down about it ever since I found out Wednesday evening, the day I published Saving Sayori. Because of that, I've been really depressed about it. But don't worry, I won't let it stop me from writing. I'd just really appreciate some support from you guys that have read this far. And guess what? This is the tenth part of the story. I honestly did not expect this to go so far. I was just bored one day and decided to download this to look up some DDLC fanfics, and I was like, "Hey, maybe I can write my own story." And here we are.

So thank you guys so much for reading so far into my crappy story. I'll shut up now as I've realized I've gone way over my 2000 word limit. Later!

"Delete" your problems

My Story About the Game (First Entry)Where stories live. Discover now