"I hope everything works out." I said. "I couldn't handle another heartbreak, every heartbreak makes it hard to keep the faith."

"Just hold on, and never let go." Mom told me. She smiled and hugged me again.

"Mom, so I wake up earlier before you get to work to watch Zayn do some exercises before school, but I can't drive, so can you drive me? Just until I can drive again." I asked. She looked at me.

"How long has this been going on?" She asked.

"Just since the hospital, but a few weeks ago, I went to go get my phone once and he was there, so I went there every morning to go see him, it wasn't until after my surgery it became official." I explained.

"Oh, okay, what time do you need to get there? I leave for work around five thirty, but I get there early anyways." She explained.

"Um, maybe six o'clock." I replied.

"Hmm, seems reasonable, why not?" She replied. "And how are you gonna get to school? There's no bus there." She asked. Ever since I hurt my knee, I had to take the bus instead, which has all of the emo, nerds and creepy kids, who made me uncomfortable. Not that there's anything wrong with them, but I don't like how they look at me.

"Zayn will drive me, we already talked about this." I answered.

"Well, okay," Mom said, taking another bite of her ravioli, then going to get my medicine. I wasn't allowed phones at the dinner table, so I quickly sent Zayn a text, telling him that I would be there for him.

<<Flashback Over>>

I watched as Zayn glided over the ice. All of the moves he does, it's so elegant. He's full of grace. I realized that the 2018 Olympics were going to happen in Pyeongchang, in South Korea, Zayn would love to watch the skaters there. That's something that I noted down on my phone. I couldn't wait to snuggle up with him, maybe stroking his tight ass as we watched the US get the gold medal.

"You were so good, you could be in the Olympics!" I congratulated as Zayn changed back into his normal clothes.

"I don't know about that, Nialler." Zayn chuckled as he unzipped his leotard. He put on his shirt and blazer.

"Awww, I would love to see you out there." I said.

"And I would love to pass my English exam." Zayn said, packing his bag up. I got my crutches and got up. Zayn quickly brushed his hair and put on his makeup. We went to Starbucks and got some breakfast. Then we had to go to class.

"Text me soon!" I called. We couldn't have phones out, but I find a way to get on my messages anyways.

"Okay!" Zayn called as he helped me to class. Thankfully, I was 'too masculine' to be gay, so everyone just assumed that Zayn and I were bros. Zayn wanted to tell Harry and Louis, but I wasn't sure if I wanted everyone to know. We wanted to keep it a secret. Later, at lunch, we ate in the cafeteria. Everyone there has pretty much accepted Zayn and Harry. Jon said that he would bring some pizza tomorrow. I could tell that Zayn was used to a quieter atmosphere, but he was adapting. Harry on the other hand, loved this, he was totally absorbed. He was in like, three conversations at once. I could tell he's always wanted this.

"Hey, so how's your birthday party planning?" I asked Harry quietly. We weren't supposed to talk about this in front of the people who weren't invited.

"Text me." Harry whispered. He gave me his number. Louis kinda glared at us. I gritted my teeth and back away. I could tell that Louis was kinda jealous. He adjust his cushion and went back to eating his salad. I just kept on carrying on a conversation with Liam about Quavo's new song while eating my parmesan chicken and potatoes.

Love Can be Frightening *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now