Chapter 1 - The Stars

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"Did you know about the stars?" asked the man while sitting on the ground and looking at the sky full of stars.

"I did. Why?" answer the woman while playing with short wild grass.

"You know why there are so many stars in the sky?"

"I did. Why?"

"Tell me then."

"That is because galaxy has a lot of things that are needed for making a star," then she stops playing.


She then stared at the man and give an expression of 'why?'

"There are so many stars because there are so many lovers in there."

"What you mean?" asked the woman

"Fate is something you can not read. When two fated humans fall in love, there are only two results. Become one, or separated by death."

"Then, you mean. Stars are the embodiment of their spirits?"


The woman then laughs, very loudly. "What the hell are you thinking, George? Based on science, stars are made of hydrogen, helium, some molecular clouds, and many things which is stable. If not, it will explode and we called it supernova."

The man smiled, he understands what this woman-that-very-like-to-read-book saying. "Not everything is based on science, Lilia. Example, love between us."

"Should I explain it with my science knowledge?"

The man then ruffled her hair and then tidied it back. "No, you should not or we will end up fighting."

Lilia smiled, "We already fighting."

George holds Lilia's hands, lifts them, and kisses them. "I love you so much, beyond the stars in the sky."

Lilia pulled back her hand then she hugs George very tightly. "I love you too, no matter the science said what. You are the one for me."

George then laughs.

"Why?" asked Lilia.

"We should not come out and meet like this. We are gonna have scolded by elders."

"I know. But I just can not wait to meet you."

"As well as me, Lilia."

"Tomorrow, I will show you my very beautiful side."

"You are always beautiful for me."

"Then you should show me your handsome and gentlemen side."

"Should I?" teased Gorge.

"You should!!!"

George then kissed the tip of her head. "I will. But are you sure? If I show my handsome and gentlemen side tomorrow, every girl will fall for me."

Lilia let go of her hug and sit straight up. "Really? It's not good! Then you must show your ugly side!"

George laughs, "I'm already handsome, Lilia. If I show my ugly side, they will know everything about me."

Lilia is now in a panic. She does not want people, especially the girls know every single side of her future husband. They definitely will not know anything. "What should I do?" she starts falling the tears.

"We must cancel our wedding. You are mine and only."

George smiles widely. He did not expect his woman will become like this. But this is the cute side of her, and he loves it. That is another reason why he wants to marry this woman.

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