night meetings part eighteen

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Allen weaved kanda down a series of narrow streets. The old style shops and houses quiet and dark, no one else was walking down the streets but them.

"Moyashi why are we here? I haven't seen anyone, what's going on?" Allen remain silent his excitement growing as they neared their destination. The closer they got the brighter the streets became and the sounds of the cold breeze were replaced with laughter and music. In the center of town Allen brought them to a halt. Hundreds of people roamed around a fountain large enough to swim in. Lanterns strung up on buildings and inside little shops lit the night sky. Music came from every direction all different melodies and tempos mixing in the air. People dressed in bright colours danced in groups or enjoyed the hot drinks one shop was selling.

On his travel back home Allen had spotted the tents and lanterns from above the town. He knew the instant he saw it he wanted to bring Kanda. Looking up at the man beside him and intertwining his fingers Allen memorized the way the glowing lanterns lit up Kanda's face. It made him look unearthly and beautiful. Kanda dropped his eyes to peer deep into Allen's.

"Really?" he said his face getting closer and forming an affectionate smile. Allen thinking he was refering to his place of choice gave a sheepish shrug finding the ground between them in need of inspecting.

"Yeah I thought it would be fun. But we can go back if you want." Allen's voice trailed off as a hand with a feather like touch lifted his chin up.

"Moyashi, you look beautiful as well." Allen covered his mouth embarrassed that he'd said his thoughts out loud. Kanda chuckled at this and swiped his hand away.

"Don't do that." He brushed Allen's bangs out of his face. The cold air on his bare forehead reminded him of something else. He removed Kanda's hand from his face and held it to his chest to keep him close. He narrowed his eyes up at him and kanda did the same.

"Now Kanda this time I want an answer blue or grey."

Kanda used the hold Allen had on him to pull him even closer and lean over him."What for?"

"Blue or grey!" Allen repeated more then aware of Kanda's warm breath hitting his face.

Kanda groaned. "Fine! Blue damn it!"

"Thank you, now turn around!"

"You're so bossy moyashi."

"Turn!" kanda sighed and did as told arms crossed. Allen smiled and opened his coalt to reveal a small shoulder bag he had hidden. He pulled a piece of thick fabric from the bag and after unwrapping it he rewrapped it around Kanda's neck. He protested understandably.

"Oi! Moyashi!"

"Stop whining. Look." Allen stepped back and let kanda grab the fabric.

"A scarf?" Allen smiled.

"Yes! And look!" he pulled another price of fabric from the bag and wrapped it around his own neck. "It's a set!"

"Wow, where were you hiding these?"

"I've got some tricks up my sleeves." Allen winked and showed kanda the bag under his coat. "Or my jacket."

Kanda pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled. "I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear that."

"Oh shut it. Now what do you think!"

Kanda stood in front of Allen again and ajusted Allen's scarf so it covered his red face.

"I love it Allen."

"Thank you kanda." Allen leaned his head against Kanda's shoulder.

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