Night meetings part eight

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Allen caught Kanda's arm. "Nah-Uh bakanada I have one condition to our new friendship."

After a lengthy exchange of greetings and a brief moment of awkward realization that they were still holding hands. Allen asked him to join himself and the others for breakfast. Looking like a dear caught in a storm kanda made multiply excuses to get away.
He seemed very unsure of whether to agree with Allen or not, especially with his overly cheerful attitude. Kanda sighed more dramatically then Allen thought was necessary. "Fine moyashi what is it."

Allen smiled up at kanda widely. " have to sit with us for meals. It's not fair to Lavi and Lenalee that you avoid them just because of me."

Kanda groaned. "Why would you think I'd want to sit with Lavi? And I'm not going to avoid you AND I'm not avoiding them because of you. All-Moyashi we talked about this." Allen stuck out his tongue and using his hold on kanda brought him down to eye level.

"Hey, I am just trying to point out," Allen poked kanda's forehead hoping to drive his point through. "That they care about you too, so be nice and I know deep down somewhere in a corner you care to."

He rolled his eyes, "Che' of course, but I'm serious I won't disappear." kanda stared into Allen's eyes before squinting devilishly, startling Allen. "Too?"

Allen tilted his head confused "Two what?"

Kanda laughed moving his already lowered face closer, their foreheads almost butting from his speed. "You said too, as in you too." he paused looking almost fondly into Allen's eyes. "You care about me?"

Allen moved away from the swords men surprising him. Walking as if to go around. "Kanda you really are a Bakanda, honestly." Allen, trying not to laugh and turn red, said this with the straightest face he could manage.

Kanda whipped his head around to follow him"You little sh-"
Allen moved his arm so that it linked with Kanda's and walked quickly forward dragging him.

"Ta ta bakanda, language." Kanda tripped over his words and feet as he was pulled. Allen slowed so kanda could right himself, then tightening their linked arms continued down the hall. Looking ahead Allen spoke softly to the seething kanda. "Kanda you ARE a Bakanda if you really thought I didn't care already. That was always there." Allen didn't need to see kanda's face to know how he had taken Allen's confession, the tightening of his arm around his own was enough.


Hey! Thanks for reading!
Good morning/Day/night!


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