♥The 1-A Spy {6}♥

Start from the beginning

I heard the boss's voice in my ear. "You did well. If not for that distraction, Eraserhead would have been dead. Don't fret. That was excellent." he praised, and I smiled a bit.

"Thank you, sir. Next time I'll finish the job."

I heard a rustling, and then footsteps growing distant.. "SHIT!" I thought. "THE INVISIBLE GIRL MUST HAVE FOLLOWED ME! She saw who I was!"

I put on my mask again and gave chase, but there was no way I was going to find her. I cursed again and again. "They could believe her since my quirk.. no. I'll go back tomorrow." I thought. "I won't be caught. No way."

With that, I stood, getting my hoodie and baggy pants on again to hide my appearance. I headed out of the building towards the bar, still silently cursing myself and that girl.. what was her name? Tooru Hagakure? Whatever it was, she was my biggest threat as of now.


The next day, I went to school as usual, but noticed a certain invisible girl with her body turned slightly turned towards me. I looked over at her and gave her a little wave with a smile, and she turned away.

"She knows." I thought, and wondered how many people she had attempted to tell. Aizawa entered the room and looked over to me.

"L/N, I need to speak with you in private."

"Of course Mr. Aizawa." I said, following him. Izuku looked questioningly at me, and I shrugged as if I didn't know what was going on.

Once we were in a private room, the man sat me down and began to speak. "L/N, a certain student aided me yesterday when I was attacked by the villain, Lady Toxic." I feigned shock.

"Are you alright, Mr. Aizawa? Especially after the USJ.." I said, trailing off. He raised an eyebrow, and I could see his suspicion dissipate slightly. "I'm fine. But Tooru Hagakure claimed that she saw you with the gas mask Lady Toxic had."

I raised an eyebrow slightly, but shook my head. "Sir, I was at home cooking dinner before my sister got home from her job." I lied through my teeth, but he seemed to buy it. 

"Does your sister have raven hair like you? And gold eyes? She could potentially be Lady Toxic if she has a similar quirk.." I pretended to think for a moment.

"No, sir. Her eyes are more greenish than gold, and her hair is a bit of a light grey. I'm sorry." I said, and he sighed.

"Well, thank you, L/N. If you know anything about the possible whereabouts of Lady Toxic, tell us immediately. She's become more of a prominent threat as it seems the League is sending her on more and more missions. Head back to class, I'll join you in a moment."

I nodded. "Thank you, Sensei. I'll report any info I find." I spoke, and got up, smoothing my skirt and heading back to class. When I sat down, I shot a small, cocky smirk to Tooru, who growled in turn. A lot of the students seemed to sense the tension between us.

Izuku walked over to me. "Hey, Y/N.. what did Mr. Aizawa want to talk about?" I shook my head slightly at his question.

"It was nothing, mostly about tests and scores and such. It's fine, Izu-kun." I smiled brightly at the boy, who blushed in turn. "All right, but if you need anything, talk to me, all right?"

"Will do, Izuku~!"

The boy walked back to his desk, looking over to the girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes.

{Izuku's P.O.V.}

She's definitely hiding something.. Her smile didn't reach her eyes, it seemed fake. Maybe there's something going on that's bugging her? Maybe she's hurt?! What if someone hurt her? 

I shouldn't pry, though.. I don't want to get into her personal business. Still, it seems weird that she's very tense with Tooru..

{Your P.O.V.}

I watched as Mr. Aizawa walked back in moments later, looking around at everyone. "Okay, everybody. I think it's about time I announce the start of the annual U.A. Sports Festival--"

Cheers were heard around the classroom. Even I had seen the festival on T.V., it was a huge event.

"B-But, wasn't U.A. just attacked by villains?!" Mineta asked, biting his nails in fright of the possibility of dying.

"U.A. wants to continue on and host the festival to show that we have fully recovered from the attack." Mr. Aizawa's bored voice spoke, and I nodded my head in understanding.

"Mineta, don't you know how important the festival is?" Izuku asked, and the grape pervert nodded, a fretful look still on his features.

"Yeah, I just don't wanna get murdered!"

I laughed slightly at this. "Don't worry, grape-head. I'm pretty sure the villains are smart enough to not attack U.A. when so many heroes are gathered."

Aizawa nodded. "Exactly. All of them would be detained in seconds if they tried an attack. Plus, we're upping security this year. Anyways, you'll all be participating, so.. Train hard, and don't make the first years look bad."

Everyone got super excited after that, going over their training regimens and how they'd prepare. I, for one, planned intense workouts so I wouldn't rely on my quirk as much. I had plenty of physical strength, but no harm in training more.

As everyone cheered over the festival starting, I didn't notice a pair of malachite eyes staring at me, still pondering over what the conversation between Aizawa and I could possibly be.

{1509 words}

{Hey hey hey, it's ya grill! I don't really have an update schedule for this, but I'm working on one, but hey! More updates for you all lmao. Anyways, I know it's not very romancey with Izuku yet, but I like to take these slow and not rush to the ooey gooey lovey stuff. It feels more natural! Anyways, hope you all enjoy!}


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