♥The USJ Part Two {4}♥

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{Author's P.O.V.}

The h/c girl lay unconscious, Izuku Midoriya holding her limp form in his arms. There was no one there with a healing quirk, no way for them to get her help. As such, the boy had no choice but to remove his costume and wrap it around her wound to try and keep the blood in.

In absolute rage, the green-haired boy turned and powered up his fist using One for All. He aimed the punch at Tomura Shigaraki, who happened to be about to attack Tsuyu with his quirk.

"SMAAAAASH!" the boy yelled, thrusting his fist forward. He managed to hit a target, but not his intended one.

The punch landed right into the Nomu, who had jumped in front of Tomura. The blue-haired manchild laughed, and Nomu began to approach Izuku to attack.

All of a sudden, All Might burst straight into the facility, beginning to attack.

{Time Skip to End of Fight}

{Your P.O.V.}

I woke up what felt like ages later, but I saw that we were still in the training facility. Izuku was back at my side, holding me close to him. He gasped as I awoke, and I moaned in pain.

"What happened..? I.. feel like.. I got shot.." I said in a pained voice, and the boy hushed me.

"Shh, save your energy.. Nomu got you.. The big bird thing. You managed to distract it long enough to buy Aizawa some valuable time and save him from any more pain." he said, and I looked up to the ceiling.

"Really..?" I said, and the teary-eyed Izuku shushed me again. I nodded a bit, and closed my eyes, trying to rest more.

Later on, I woke again. This time, we were back in the nurse's office. I knew from the white ceiling above and the feeling of the pillow behind my head. I sat up slightly, but winced and let out a small whimper, hearing a gasp from the doorway.

Turning slightly, I saw a flash of green before I was embraced. I winced again, but my eyes widened a bit as I heard the voice of Izuku.

"Y-You're awake! I'm so glad, we've all b-been worried!" said the teary-eyed boy, and I pulled back slightly after returning the embrace.

"Why would you be worried..? I spoke to you just a few hours ago before resting again.." I said, placing a finger on my chin. Izuku shook his head, and looked into my eyes.

"Y/N.. you were out for four days."


I couldn't rack my brain around it. Four days? How? From a small gash from that birdbrain? I shook my head slightly, and Izuku turned to the door. "One second, Y/N.. let me get the others.."

Soon, Midoriya had called in the other 1-A students, even Mr. Aizawa and All Might.


Suddenly, I was barraged with relieved voices and, "Are you okay?!"'s, even All Might was near very over dramatic tears. 

Mr. Aizawa stepped forward and spoke, "L/N, what you did was brave. Stupid, but brave. Thank you, though.. Dumb as it was, you saved me from potentially permanent damage." he said sincerely, and I looked at him and nodded.

"I'm glad, Mr. Aizawa-sensei. But I'll be a bit more cautious about my actions. Thank you all for coming to see me.." I said, giving a gentle closed-eye smile. Most of the students checked on me one last time before exiting, while Izuku and All Might stayed.

I looked at them, confused, before All Might said something. "Izuku's here because he really cares about you-" Cue blush from Izuku, "-and, I do care about you of course, Young L/N. But I have a few questions."

Worry flashed through me, but I hid it with a simple nod. Was he catching on to my deception?

"Miss L/N.."

I held my breath without even realizing it..

"..That birdbrain didn't damage your quirk in any way, did it?! I know Mr. Aizawa's was weakened, and I wanted to make sure..!" the man said in a worried tone, and I looked a bit surprised. Then, I laughed a bit.

"No, All Might, he didn't. My quirk runs through my skin, I'd have to have all my skin destroyed or peeled off to lose it." I explained, and the man nodded. "Good.. but now for my other question."

Izuku stepped in to ask this one. "L/N, how were you so confident when going up to use your gas on the Nomu..? Any normal person would have cowered in fear.." All Might nodded beside him, and I froze.

Making a joke to cover for myself while I thought of a heroic-sounding response, I raised an eyebrow and said, "Oh, so I'm not normal?"

The boy blushed and waved his hands. "No, no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that--!"

I laughed as I cut him off. "Calm down, Izu-kun. But.. my confidence when facing it?" For some reason, it disgusted me how easily the lie slipped from my mouth to Izuku. "I was confident because.. my sleeping gas has never failed before. And also..

..I couldn't just sit there and let Mr. Aizawa possibly die, or get hurt further. I couldn't stand by and do nothing."

Izuku gaped slightly, but then nodded. "I.. felt the same way. When Kacchan - oh, I mean Bakugo.. - was being attacked by a villain, I felt that urge of.. not being able to just stand by."

All Might cut in, "And his actions there saved Young Bakugo's life. I witnessed it. So, L/N, that was the.. partially right thing to do! Next time, don't get hurt though!" the joyous man said, and walked over to the door, opening it and poking his head in to finish his thought.

"Feel better, Young L/N! Young Midoriya, keep an eye on her. See you laterrrrrr~!" the man spoke as he exited, and I giggled lightly, not noticing Izuku blushing at my small laughs.

Soon, Recovery Girl came in and began to shoo Izuku. "It's time for her to rest, she can't have visitors 24/7! Go on now!" the woman said, and I gave the boy a small wave bye as he exited the nurse's office.

I laid back in accordance to Recovery Girl's request, and closed my eyes, allowing sleep to take me once again.

{1017 words}

{Sorry for the shorter chapter, and how it was kind of just filler. I'm going to be writing the next one ASAP! Next one, you might even get to do some good old.. killing~ :3}


Ghastly - ♥BNHA Izuku Midoriya x Reader♥Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin