Chapter 7 - Sleep In

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I could still feel it.

Every time my eyes close, even for a brief moment, my mind replays my sensual encounter with Shinji-kun last night. 

The image sends a tingling sensation that travels down my spine, spreading a signal in my entire body as I call to mind every detail.

His warm lips pushing against mine.

His hands on my breasts.

The weight of his body that overpowers my femininity as his chest heaves  - 

"Ms. Soryu?"

I was ripped off, mercilessly, from a lucid reality. I bit my lower lip as I stood and slightly bowed to my professor.


I cursed to myself as this was the only time in the whole year that I dared to day dream inside the class and get caught

"Do you need me to repeat my question?"  The fifty-year old Japanese guy, in his rimmed glasses, took a serious countenance at my ten-second absent-mindedness.

All eyes weigh on me. I clutched to my pencil and took a sharp breath.


This is by far my most humiliating experience since the continuity of human existence. 

I took modern biology and genetic analysis for the obvious reason that NERV was the nest of genetic code advancement. And although I excel in military training back when I was a pilot, I was surprised to learn about my suppressed curiosity in bio lab works. Who knew that my mom's passion on these things are engraved in my genes.  Yet, now, it seems that the only
thing my mind could focus on is that idiot's amazing naked anatomy.

"Are you okay? You were so distracted back there in class."

Hikari winced and sniffed like she could smell a rat beneath clean rags. It was my idea to spend lunch in a cafe downtown, away from any more distractions.

"I wasn't distracted. I was concentrating on a different topic."  I said flat out as I open a can of pineapple juice.

"Which is the exact meaning of distracted. You are also eating sandwich rather than Shinji-kun's bento."  She sneered at me.

"Because I didn't see him today."

"Because you missed your first period."

"Because- "

I couldn't believe Hikari is throwing live wires at me at this moment. 

"- I... had to sleep in."

She stifled a laugh as she tries her best to take me seriously.

"You two weren't around for full thirty minutes, last night. Next thing I remember is Shinji coming back to the living room attached with your signature scent. He sat next to me for  a good twenty minutes before he decides to call it a night."

"Fine. I flunked and he helped me get into bed."


Her face almost reach across my side of the table.

"I, well, nothing."


"I'm not hiding anything. There's nothing I want to tell."

"So, there is something. You're just not comfortable to tell."


"That slight blush on your cheeks doesn't say so."

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