Chapter 3- Beginning of Apocalypse

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(Shinji's POV)

What else was I expecting? I think about how she acted during lunch and I felt a familiar churn in my stomach. For a split second I thought I saw surprise in her eyes. But she went from surprised to 'I couldn't care less' expression to my humble invitation. Maybe it's a sign that I should give up. After all, we were just co-pilots then, and we really didn't get along that much in the past four years. Except, on that one battle when we had to be in perfect sync in order to defeat angel Israfel.


I snapped back to reality just in time to receive a bounce-pass from Mitsue. I pivoted before Touji reached for the ball. His eyes locked on me. I dribbled, hesitated, and then hustled to the side for a quick lay up. Not one of them predicted this move. The ball drops to the basket.

"WHAT!" Touji cranked in frustration. The buzzer signaled to end the second half.

"You're getting faster, Shinji." Touji quick-punched my shoulder.


I hunched, breathing heavily on my way to the bench while Kaworu's warming up for his substitution.

"You're up?" I reached for my towel and pat my face dry. He nodded and then pointed a finger to a certain direction.

"Look who has come to see you, Shinji-kun."

I looked to my right and saw Asuka, in her volleyball uniform, walking down the court.

I froze at the glorious sight of her. I blinked away. I slowly pat my neck and arms dry to release some tension as she approaches. How could she still have this effect on me?

"That move was alright, I think." She shoots me an amused look.

"That move - ?" My mind traveled back to my stunt-invitation during lunch. She must have realized I had something else in mind, so she rolled her eyes and clarified.

"The lay up?"

I shook my head, nodded briefly and smiled apologetically.


"So, Misato called during lunch. She just got promoted and she's throwing a party tonight at the apartment. Cheapskate as ever."

She made a little effort to sound funny and sarcastic while I gaze at her as if I'm a dumb monkey that didn't get any of what she said.

"I meant that she's inviting you to come. The other idiots could join too."

She glanced at my friends who are obviously eavesdropping from where they're standing, while pretending to check their phones.

"I don't understand. She could have just called me, instead."

"Well, she's right about calling me first- for the sake of my approval. She knows I'm still upset and inviting you without my consent is the same as declaring a civil war."

"... Civil war?"

"Unlike you, I still live in her apartment, genius."

She said it like it was 'matter-of-fact'. I forced a smile, thinking about the fact that she's still upset with me, and the fact that it has been a year since I left Misato's apartment to live on my own.

"Okay." That was the most acceptable word I could use for a reply right now.

"Okay???" She raised her tone a little.

"What do you mean by 'okay'? Are you coming or what? Because I have to know."

"Yes! I will. Sorry."

"Geez. How hard was that for a reply? Did you have other plans or something?"

I automatically scratched the back of my head in panic of what else to say.

"I still have to finish your book report, so, I might arrive late. But I'll show up with your laptop and paper."

She looked amused for a moment. Then she glanced to the side and smiled.


I felt my face warmed up.

"T-thank you, Asuka."

"Don't get me wrong! I didn't want you to come. But since you said that my book report will be ready tonight, plus my laptop will be fixed, then I guess I'm fine with that too."

"I will do my best."

She gave me a nod and then turned her back and walked away.

"Was that... for real?"

Touji's completely agaped, following Asuka's exit from the gym.

"That was... unexpected."

"Are you kidding me? That was unprecedented."

He held his hand towards the gym's entrance.

Kaworu crossed his arms on his chest and started to pay more attention.

"First, she came all the way here from the field court to see Shinji-kun. Then, she invited him to Misato's party- after she gave him a fair compliment. She didn't exclude us from the invitation and, finally, made sure that Shinji's really attending the occasion. All is well with Shinji-kun, I guess. The ship is finally sailing."

My eyes grew wide at Kaworu's remark. Could it be that his perspective is right? Well, he has always been the most perceptive among my friends.

"No! That - the thing that just happened is the beginning of the apocalypse! I am telling you, this is a certified T-R-A-P. We have to make plans for this."

I laughed at Touji's panic.

"Hikari will be there too, you know. I'm sure everything will be okay."

Touji blushed, and then cleared his throat.

"I still have to arm myself to be sure. It's only logical that we make the situation favorable to our camp. So, I'm bringing the century's weapon of mass destruction for this ordeal."

"What do you mean by 'weapon'?"

He clenched while smiling in a ridiculous manner.

"Leave it to me, Shinji-kun! I will turn the tables and guarantee victory against the dark side."

Weapon of mass destruction? Dark side?

I think... it's going to be a long night.

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