Chapter 2- House Party

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Morning class was a breeze. I can't wait to have lunch with Shinji-kun. I've always terrorized him to prepare lunch for me, and I wonder when he will ever learn that I also want to spend lunch with him and not just with his prepared bento.


"Why are you sooo densed?"

I was thinking aloud again while watching the idiot, and this time, Hikari heard every word.

"Sorry, Asuka. Maybe he's still learning his moves."

I tried my best to brush away her comment as if I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Yeah? Who are we talking about?"

"Give him some time, I mean. He just turned 18 this year."

"Are you---"

"Ikari, Shinji."   She smiled at me.

I felt like I want to sink where I'm sitting.

"Was I really that obvious?"

Ayanami nods at me.

"You're face is so transparent when it comes to him. You're lucky he doesn't look this way when you're tensed."

"Really, wonder girl?"   I couldn't believe she spat at me like that. Ayanami's becoming more and more normal these past couple of years.

The two girls nodded at the same time.

"Fine. Then how come he still doesn't get it?"

"He's too cautious to be assumptive. A perfect gentleman, don't you think? A romantic."

"You meant 'outdated' right?"

The campus bell rang signalling lunch break. I covertly watch him pick up his bento and walk towards my seat.

"Hey."   His voice was calm and warm.

"Yeah? That my lunch?"

Hikari and Ayanami move to give us little space. Why do I suddenly feel conscious about this?

"This is yours."

He offered me the bento which was neatly packed and wrapped by his hands this morning. I felt my heart warmed up as I reach for it.

"... Thanks."

"Uhm... well..."

What is this? Is he going to say something stupid? For god's sake.

"Spit it out, third child."  I have to sound bored all the time just to pretend I feel normal around him. 

"Well, I was wondering, if we could take our bentos somewhere and eat together?"

His eyes were wandering for bit and then, eventually, met mine.

"It's been a year today. Will you... eat lunch with me, Asuka?"





His smile fell. But the legendary Asuka will not apologize for it.

"I have plans." 

I immediately stood and left where he stands. I hit the building's stairs and jog straight up to the terrace roof, with my heart pounding every step of the way.

I reached the top and breathed ecstatically while holding onto the bento he prepared.

"You wimp!How dare you!?"


I heard Hikari and Ayanami climing up the stairs in a hurried fashion.

"What are you, girls, doing here?"

"What do you mean by that? You just bailed."

Hikari begins to giggle. Ayanami shoots me with an almost ridiculing look.

"What is that supposed to mean, wonder girl?"

"You've been waiting for Shinji-kun to come up to you and invite you to lunch, and when he did, you bailed. I don't understand that."

She's right. I was 'so not ready' for his move.

"I just humiliated myself back there, didn't I?"

"Nope. You were too good. But Shinji is sure wrecked. He's probably not going to ask you again."

My heart was stunned for a moment at Hikari's conclusion.

"He's the invincible Shinji. He can come through anything."

My phone rang and I reached for my pocket.

Misato's kawaii pose blinks as Caller ID profile. 

"Hello, Asuka. Are you in school?"

"I can't leave the premises even if I wanted to."

"Just making sure you'd graduate in time. You know there's still college, right?"

"Yeah, this isn't a call about my scripted future directed by Misato Katsuragi, right?"

She laughs from the other line.

"I just love the fact that you're being less stubborn than your old self. I'm having a house party tonight."

"What? Why?" 
"Just got promoted."
"You-     wow. I mean, congratulations!"

Misato has been working with the government' Defense Ministry in the past 4 years. It's only natural that the government would utilize her tactical expertise for military advantage. 

"Everything's going great for you. You deserve it."

"Thanks, Asuka. Anyway, don't forget to invite Shinji and the gang. I'm inviting some NERV friends to come over too." 

My eyes grew wide at that. It's been over a year since I saw most of our previous colleague.

"Yeah. Kaji's gonna be there too. See you later."

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