Chapter 5 - Drinking Session

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(Shinji's POV)


She pulled me to the kitchen which is just a few feet away from the living room. A wooden panel separates us from the group.

"Sorry Shinji-kun. I'm just trying to save you from a casual embarassment. Kaji has a way to make you admit anything before you even notice. He used to be a double-agent before he got killed, remember?"

The words she spoke triggered a memory intwined with the past. It gave me a searing pain in my brain and I automatically touched my temple.

"I'm sorry. I forgot how it affects you. It has been four years since you decided to revert everything back to normal. I still don't understand why you chose this life. But I want you to know we're all grateful."

"It's the least I could do."

"No. It was a gift to mankind. But... has it been easier for you, Shinji-kun? Does living on your own gives you the comfort you were looking for?"

I nodded and gave out a weak smile.

"I'm alright. Arigato, Misato-san. I'm sorry that I had to put you up on this. But I am glad for your promotion."

"It's alright. I understand why you had to leave. I, too, needed that space once upon a time. But with my new position, I can now observe and take part in Japan's convention on international peace. You know what that means, right?"

Our eyes met and I gave her a nod.

She playfully messed my hair with her hand.

"You grow so fast. Now you're even taller than I am. So, are you really inlove with anyone, Shinji-kun?"

She waited for a genuine response.

"I think."

She smiled.

"I see. You know how much I care for you, Shinji-kun. You know how much I wish for your happiness. You and Asuka's."

"I know."

"Alright. Let's get our butts back there and have some drink!"

I followed her out to the living room. Everyone is back to drinking session.

"Shinji! You should really try this!" Touji hands me an opened can of beer. He almost tripped on a pillow slumped on the floor but managed to deliver.

"What is..."

I read the brand name.


"I told you, right?"

He winked at me.

This was his idea of weapons of mass destruction.


Kaworu rose to his feet to change the music from pop to a slow ballad. He moves toward Asuka and extended his hand.

"May I?"

I saw him winked at the confused redhead who responded with a blink.

"A dance, my lady. Please?"

He bowed his head.

"Me too!" Touji leaps towards Hikari. He playfully  pulled her hand.

"Let's dance."

Hikari followed Touji to what seems to be the only spared space in the living room to become the dance floor. They paired up and started swaying from side to side.

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