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(Allison on left. Lydia on right.)

Allison- Do you think she's alright?

Lydia- I don't know.

I make my way over to the girls, Stiles, and Scott.

(Y/N)- Hey.

Allison, Lydia- Hey.

Allison- Are you ok? Scott and Stiles told us what happened.

(Y/N)- Yeah, I'm fine.

Lydia- And it's times like these where I'm glad he broke up with me.

(Y/N)- Hey guys.

Lydia,Allison,Scott,Stiles- Yeah.

(Y/N)- I don't want everyone to know about the whole Jackson incident. Ok.

Allison,Stiles,Scott,Lydia- Ok.

(Y/N)- Thank you.

Allison- Anyone want a piece of gum?

Scott,Stiles,Lydia,(Y/N)- Sure.

Scott- Thanks.

Stiles- Thank you.

Lydia- Thanks.

(Y/N)- Oh, thanks.

Allison- No problem.

Lydia- Oh! By the way, that shirt looks adorable on you.

(Y/N)- Oh, thanks but Lydia you do know that you didn't have to bring me one of your really good shirts. It's not my style anyways.

Lydia- Oh sweetheart. That shirt was from three years ago.

(Y/N)- Really?

Lydia- Yeah, it's out of style now, but it still looks cute on you.

(Y/N)- Thanks Lydia but I...

Lydia- You know what. Your place, 10:00 AM on Saturday. We pick out outfits for you and makeup and fix you up. Ok.

(Y/N)- What's wrong with my clothes? More importantly, what's wrong with me?

Lydia- Th...

Allison- There's nothing wrong with you. You're amazing the way you are.

Lydia- We're just gonna do some girl stuff.

(Y/N)- I don't know. I'm not big on the whole girly girl stuff.

Lydia looks at me.

(Y/N)- I don't have a choice. Do I?

Lydia- Nope.

(Y/N)- Alright. My place at 10:00 AM on Saturday.

Lydia- Yup. Allison, you should come too. It'll be more fun.

Allison- Ok.

Lydia- So, how has your first day of Freshmen year been?

(Y/N)- Well, it was bad then good then bad and now it's good again. So it's been an on and off day.
I still have two more classes to go so... It could get better.

Allison- Yeah. Well, Lydia and I have to go. See ya (Y/N).

(Y/N)- See ya.

Lydia and Allison leave.

Stiles- We gotta go too.

Scott- You gonna be good on your own?

(Y/N)- Yeah. I'm just gonna go to my next class and pick out where I wanna sit before everyone else in class for next period anyways. So.... Yeah.

Scott- Ok, if you need anything....

(Y/N)- Text or call one of you. I know. Thanks bro. Bye.

I flip my hair and go to class. History.
I get in the class room and sit in the front row. My favorite spot. I put my stuff down and sit in the chair. I get out my note book and start doodling. Hearts, swirls, and diamonds. I got tiered of that so I flipped the page and started drawing the supernatural. Werewolves, Chimera's, etcetera. Currently a Chimera. I was schetching when the bell rang. It made me jump a little.

(Y/N)- *Eep!*

Yay! Time for my least favorite subject of the day, history.

Get the sarcasm.

A Liam Dunbar (Y/N) McCall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now