Chapter 13: Destiny Hope Jonas

Start from the beginning

"Oh, well, nice to meet you, Chris."

"You, too, Denise."

Then it was time for Miley to push, and I left Adam with Tish and the Cyrus family to catch up with Christopher and my family to meet Miley's twin half-brother (is it technically twins when you share the same dad but a different mom and you're born the same year?).  I head with the team of a nurse, doctor, and midwife to the delivery room and help Miley push, just as I did with Adam.

Soon, our baby girl was born.  The birth was quicker than Adam's, as the second child comes out quicker than the first's, and Miley was left breathing as our daughter was cleaned off by the nurse.  Then the midwife left the room since her duty was done, helping with the delivery.  The doctor checked Miley and Destiny over to make sure everyone's healthy and left, giving us an ok.  Then the nurse gave Miley Destiny, who's now wrapped up in a blanket, and leaves so we have privacy.

Miley was fingering around with Destiny and looking at her.  "She's so adorable.  Destiny Hope Jonas."

"Destiny Hope Jonas," I repeated.  "She's beautiful, like her momma."  I kiss her and Miley responds before breaking it apart.

"Take a video.  We'll use it to announce it."

"Not now.  You're covered in sweat and everything."

"I can take a shower and change."


Miley hands Destiny to me, gets up, though slowly as it's post-birth, takes her shower, and changes into the sweatpants and t-shirt we packed into the bag.  She goes back onto the bed for more rest and takes Destiny back.  "Now take it."

"Fine."  I pull out my phone, get the camera on Instagram ready, and take a video to add to my story, putting it in selfie mode.  "Hi, everyone.  Just wanted to let you know that Destiny Hope Jonas was born this morning at 10:00."  I turn it onto Miley and Destiny.

"Of course, the birth was nice and quick, as the birth of the second is quicker than the first.  Health-wise, I'm healthy.  Our beautiful baby daughter is healthy as well.  Adam is due to meet his sister soon.  My mom Tish has him and will bring him soon.  We have family here to meet Destiny as well, including my half-brother Christopher Cody, who I haven't seen in such a long time.  And everything was crazy when I went into labor that I didn't see him or talk to him."

"So back to the birth and labor, Miley had went into labor at 8:00 this morning.  When her water broke, it wet the bed, and I actually felt it and woke up.  I took her and Adam to the hospital, where we had to wait two hours before Miley pushed.  Then it was time and just like I did with Adam, I helped to push our daughter out."

Miley was looking down at Destiny, who began to open up her eyes a bit.  "Oh, Nick, look.  She's opening up her eyes a bit."

"I see that, baby."  I zoom in on it.  "Everyone, we're witnessing our baby girl opening up her eyes a bit for the first time."  I stay like that for a while and then I hear the door open, and change the view to Adam and Tish who came in.

"Hey, is she here?"

"Yup, she's here.  Just born and she just opened her eyes a bit."

Adam goes up to me and Miley.  He hugs me and tries to climb on top of Miley, but he couldn't go all the way.  "Mommy, Daddy!"

"Hey, Adam!  Don't climb on Mommy now.  She just gave birth to your sister."

"Baby sister?  Destiny!" he calls out.

"Ah!  Normal voice, please!  And she's right here, in Mommy's arms!"

He looks at his sister.  "Small, Daddy."

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