Chapter 6: June 11th

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Miley's POV:
A month passed by and we hit June. Nick and I eased into our parental duties, which Adam made easy for us.

Today is the day I met Nick back in 2006 at the fundraiser. Today is also the day I married him just a year ago. Within that year, we had a blissful honeymoon and a happy and healthy baby boy.

I shared a picture from the wedding and a picture of Nick, Adam, & I on my Instagram story with the caption: "Happy (double) anniversary to my husband and father of our baby boy Adam! Within one year, I married you, enjoyed a blissful honeymoon with you, & had our son Adam! ❤ u, Nicholas Jerry Jonas!" & added it to my highlights "Mommy Life" & "Wifey Life."

Then Nick had posted a picture of us from the wedding & a picture of me and Adam on his own story, captioning it: "Happy (double) anniversary to my wife and mother of our son Adam! ❤ u, Miley Ray!" & adding it to his highlights "Hubby Life" & "Daddy Life."

I knew he has surprises for me today. He kept dropping little hints about it since the day after Adam was born. I wonder what it is and if every anniversary is going to be like this. If it is, I love it and always will.

I pick up Adam from his cradle and smooth his hair. He sprouted up some hair since he was born. I notice that his hair is dark, like Nick's. He even has his dad's chocolate brown eyes. I kiss his head and he wakes up to look at me.

"Miles, are you ready to go?" my handsome husband asked, coming into the nursery.

I nod. "I am." I put Adam in his carrier after Nick kisses him and takes the carrier from me. We go to the car where Nick puts Adam in and leave to the restaurant. "You know he looks a lot like you?"

"Yeah, he does. A mini me."

"Why didn't we name him after you?"

"'Cause Adam Paul seemed better."

Hmm, I don't really think that's the truth. I recall he didn't like his middle name Jerry and was reluctant to pass it onto our son and only gave up the fight when we couldn't come up with any other names. I decided to not say anything about that though, unless I wanted to tease him. Maybe the next kid will be named after his dad, if it's another baby boy.

We sink into our thoughts until we get to the restaurant for dinner.

Nick looks at me after we sit down at our table. "What were you thinking about, Miley, in the car?"

"Not much. Just what if we had another one?"

"Don't you want to wait?"

"Maybe. Adam came out to be good. A mini version of his dad."

"Think about it, Miley. We got time."

"Ok. I will. Now what were you thinking about in the car?"

"You. New music. Adam."

"Ooh. Very nice. So are you going to come out with new music then?"

"Maybe. We've been enough on a haitus and it's been a month since Adam was born. I think I can start. You too."

"Me? I want to wait. I'll let you work on yours first. Then I'll work on mine."

"Ok. But why?"

"Because we have a kid and I hate to leave it with a nanny when we're working."

"Good point."

"Also cause we have time. As you put it before."

"We do."

The waitress comes by to take our orders. She looks at Adam. "Is this the baby?"

I smiled. "Yes it is. Our baby boy."

"He looks like his dad."

"Thank you."

She takes our orders and then leaves.

Nick got reminiscent. "Just to think that this time last year we got married and years ago we met and now we have a boy."

"I know. It's amazing. And he's a beautiful boy."

"He certainly is." He picks him up. "Ugh, my little mini me. You're such an angel. Mommy and I are lucky to have you." He starts cooing and Adam laughs. "Did he laugh?"

"I think so. Is Daddy being silly?" That gets Adam laughing again. "Yup, he is laughing. And he thinks you're being funny."

He chuckles. "Is Daddy being silly? Is your daddy being silly?" Adam laughs again as if to answer yes since he can't speak yet. "I think he's answering us with a laugh since he can't speak."

"I think you're right. What is it that we read? That they laugh before they speak?"

"I think so." He asks me to record Adam laughing.

I pull out my phone and start an Instagram Live, aiming it on Nick & Adam. "So we are out at a restaurant for our anniversary and just talking. Nick had picked up Adam, who had his first laugh and it was because Nick was cooing at him, being silly." I talk to Adam now. "Adam, is Daddy funny?" I see Adam laughing. "Even the question is funny to him. He's a odd little baby so far."

"Let's see if he laughs at other things." Nick starts bouncing him around and Adam laughs at that. "He likes bouncing."

"Should we see if he thinks Mommy is funny and if he likes Mommy bouncing him?"

Nick nods, gives Adam to me, and takes my phone, focusing it on me and Adam.

"Adam, am I funny? Is Mommy funny?" Adam laughs. I then start bouncing him and he bounces more. "Is he going to laugh at everything?"

"I don't know. Should I play that old throwback of Joe dancing to 'Single Ladies'?" He reads the comments, which start to say yes, puts down his phone for a bit while getting out his own, puts on the video, picks up mine again, & focuses on me and Adam with his phone in the background. Adam laughs at his uncle Joe in the video.

I read the comments. "Uh oh, looks like Uncle Joe popped up in the comments. He put 'Adorable, Miley and Nick. I love Beyonce, but I'd rather not remember that video. If anyone remembers, I was reluctant to do it and my brothers convinced me to do it for the fans. However, nice to know that my nephew laughs at that video.' Aww, that's so nice, Joe. Also very nice to confess your thoughts on the matter."

"Joe, you may not love it, but your nephew does. And thousands of Jonas fans as well. Remember DO IT FOR THE FANS!"

Joe winds up joining in. "I didn't want to join in the live, but you brought me in."

I said, "That was all you. You commented on it."


Nick cuts in. "Hey, you want to continue making Adam laugh?"

"I'll see what I can do with a 1-month-old. Hey, Adam, is Uncle Joe funny?". No laugh from Adam.

"Aww, Uncle Joe dressed up in a leotard and heels dancing to 'Single Ladies' made him laugh, but not a simple question. Try something else."

"Shut up, Nick. Ok, I have one that I got from BuzzFeed. Hey, Adam, what happens to a frog's car when it breaks down?" Adam just looks at him.

"I don't think he understands."

"Again, be quiet. Adam, it gets toad away." Adam laughs. "See, Nick, he gets it."

"He's a month old."

"He's smart then. You and Miley will just have to see when he grows up."

I smile. "I guess we will."

When we're done with dinner a while later, we head back home.

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