"I mean I'm not like a massive fan but probably Tottenham." I said reluctantly, knowing that the family were Arsenal fans.

"They play some okay football do Tottenham, even if they are Tottenham. Decent pick mate."

"You play don't you?" I inquired and he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm playing against your dad pretty soon."

"Really? Sorry, what team do you play for?"

"Everton." Wow, Merseyside derby between brothers. Wait, wasn't Liverpool v Everton the match I was going to?

"I guess I'll be watching you then." I remarked.

"Are you coming to see it?" He asked, surprised.

"I think so." I pulled the tickets out of my pocket and checked. "Yeah I am." I confirmed.

"Haha, see you there mate." He laughed and I grinned. While this had been going on, Alex had slipped out, but at this point, he walked back in.

"I've just told Lillie and Tommy that you're here. Are you all acquainted?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think so." I replied.

"Alex, when is it being made public about Jordie?" Asked Mark.

"Sometime next month we think, why?"

"I was just wondering because it's definitely better to announce it now than later on. Especially with the baby, you don't want the added stress of having to keep Jordie a secret." Mark answered and Alex nodded.

"Talking of the baby," Wendy changed the subject. "where is it?"

"Still inside Perrie I'd hope." Alex joked. Everyone laughed.

"You know what I mean Alex. So where is Perrie, and the little ones?"

"I think Perrie's upstairs somewhere and the other two should be coming down now." As if on cue, the two in question scurried into the room.

"Hi nan. Hi granddad." Chimed Lillie.

"Hi." Tommy added.

"Well hello you two." Said Wendy and she bent down to pick Tommy up and give Lillie a hug.

"You're so big now." Added Mark, as he bent down to look at Lillie, who giggled.

"I saw you last week granddad." She remarked.

"You must be growing very quickly then." He continued and she giggled even more.

"Hey I don't think you said hi to me." Said Christian, who was sat up on the sofa.

"Hi." Said Lillie and she ran towards Christian. He lifted her up into a hug and then sat her down on the sofa.

"Where's mummy Lils?" Asked Alex.

"In her office." She replied and Alex went upstairs to find her. Everyone sat down on a sofa and Lillie crept over towards me.

"Nana and granddad and Christian, this is my brother." She said, crawling into my lap.

"Yes, we've met him Lillie." Replied Wendy.

"He's so big!" She added and everyone laughed. The doorbell rung and I heard footsteps on the stairs.

"That'll be Debbie." Said Wendy. Sure enough, a minute or two later Alex returned to the room, with Perrie and a woman that must've been Perrie's mum in tow.

"Hiya." She said as she entered, giving Wendy a hug and waving at Tommy who was now sat on the sofa.

"Hi Debbie." Said Mark and Christian waved.

"Hi granny." Said Lillie.

"Hi Lillie." She replied cheerfully. "Who's that with you?"

"This is my brother Jordie." She replied.

"Hi Jordie. I'm Debbie, Perrie's mum."

"Hi, nice to meet you." I smiled.

The rest of the afternoon went pretty much as you'd expect. We talked, played some family games and sat down for tea later on. At 8, Alex said that he'd have to take me home and his parents and Perrie's mum left too. Christian decided to come in the car with us to my house. I jumped in the back seat once my luggage was safely in the boot and Christian and Alex climbed into the front ones. Christian began to talk to me and I really didn't mind - he seemed like a decent guy.

"Are you a sporty lad then Jordie? Your dad tells me you play a few sports."

"Yeah, obviously football but I love running too and it helps for football, keeps me fit. I also do a lot of tennis but I hate watching it. I can play it but it's so boring on the TV, y'know. And I do a bit of rugby and cycling here and there."

"Good lad. Your dad was a good rugby player, did you know that?"

"No actually, I didn't." I replied as Alex laughed.

"Yeah, he could've been a pro I reckon, but he chose to play football instead."

"That's cool."

"Cricket too. He was good at cricket was your old man."

"Really? I play a bit of cricket at school but it's too much standing around for me."

"Yeah I know what you mean mate." Christian replied. Alex turned the radio on and our conversation was stopped by the music. At about 9PM, Alex rolled into my driveway.

"You need me to come in Jordie, or would it be better if I didn't?" Asked Alex.

"Um..." I checked the window to see if Darius was there. I couldn't see him but at the same time, I couldn't be too sure. "It's alright. Thanks anyway Alex. See you later, bye Christian!" I jumped out of the car and waved at them. After I'd unlocked the door, they drove off, seeing I'd got in safely. Overall, I thought the meeting with the relatives had gone pretty well. I liked them and had no reason to think they didn't like me. I really liked Christian too and I couldn't wait to see the Liverpool v Everton match. If my mum would let me go. Although... she didn't necessarily need to know.


Hope you enjoyed that chapter! Tbh I think the last few chapters have been a bit dull so hopefully some better ones are coming soon. Also thanks for 2000 reads, that's a crazy amount to me. Remember tonight is the Brits so don't forget to vote!! As always, tysm for your support and don't forget to read, vote and comment xx

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