Eventually, she got herself up from the ground and took her black frames of to wipe her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. The fabric brushed against her thick skin and when she pulled away, placing her glasses back on, her vision wasn't blurred anymore.

As she headed towards the bedroom, she noticed Derek, passed out, shirtless and sprawled out across the comforter, not even placing it over his goose- fleshed body. Leah watched as he snored loudly. Her nostrils flared in anger slightly as she did so.

Why did she put up with this? She deserved better. Someone who truly cared about her. Who'd hold her and tell her she was beautiful.Who'd be at home with her. Who didn't smoke or consume alcohol, twenty- four hours a day. Yeah, Derek's music was pretty cool, but that was when he actually let her go see him. He was too busy with his girl fandom to notice her in the crowd.

Leah entered the bedroom and grabbed a blanket from the dresser. There was no way she was sleeping in that bed tonight. He'd probably push her of in his sleep anyway.

She propped the pillows and hit the sofa, taking her spectacles of her face and immediately closing her eyes, backtracking everything that had happened. For the first time, allowing herself to truly feel the emotions she tried so desperately to hide.

It infuriated her that all that he cared about was getting high and staying out all night. No. She couldn't stand for it anymore. Leah didn't want to live this life of misery. This terrible relationship had lasted way too long and it needed to come to an end.

Only, Leah Marshall didn't have the balls to call it a day.

How could she tell him she weren't interested anymore? I mean, he'd never physically hurt her, but he scared her sometimes and shoved her really hard.  How could she see a future with a guy who didn't care, or even think about her often? She couldn't.

Suddenly, her saddened thoughts were interrupted when a large buzzing sound, vibrated against the coffee table. Leah jumped in fright and shot herself up the couch.

She grabbed her glasses and peered over to see that it was Derek's cellphone. She let her curiosity take over her when she reached for the cell and snuck a look at the text.

Tomorrow is gonna be our best gig yet, dude. Get ready, with a 6pm start. Hannah and her chicks are coming a long so it's gonna be a long night! The text message read from Sebastian, a guy who was in his band.

Leah pushed her glasses up her face and her eyes widened as if a light bulb had gone of in her head.

That's right.

She'd run away.

Leah would take all the money she had, and leave. She'd find a place to stay for a while until she could get her life on track. Leah truly couldn't live this life of misery anymore- t was driving her up the walls. She needed to explore the world for herself, without Derek.

Wait no, Leah needed to think straight before creating a plan to leave.

She was going to give her so called lover Derek, the benefit of the doubt.

In the morning, she'd ask him to be home for 9pm so they could watch a movie. If his gig began at six, it would approximately end at eight and he'd have no reason to stay out the rest of the night. If he didn't return home by 9pm, she was leaving. And she was never, ever coming back.

Kidnapped By Cannibals- Leah MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now