Chapter 1

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"Today's the day! after my two month break from heel teaching, I'm going back to teaching it." I say to myself, grabbing my backpack full of different high heels and throwing it across my shoulder.

I am meeting up with Arnaud and Mehdi today at the bus stop. It is 7:30 now, and I am meeting them at 7:50. It should take me 20 minutes to walk there.

As I got to the bus stop, Arnaud and Mehdi were waiting there for me. "Hiya!" I shouted over to them. "Hey!" They shouted back at me. We waited for the bus to arrive to take us to Paris. We lived in the Paris suburbs so it wouldn't take us long to get to the dance building.

When we arrived, we went into the building and unpacked our things. We were going to stay here for the night so we packed sleeping bags. We had thirty minutes to prepare and practice before the people arrived who wanted to be taught.

"Alright boys! We need to practice a little bit before they all arrive! Get your heels on!" I said to them, standing in my hot pink high heels.

"Awwww. Why do we need to practice right now? Can't we do it in the next ten minutes instead? We have half an hour. That's ages." Arnaud whined to me. I giggled. He's so cute when he whines. Wait... Why did I just think that? I don't have any special feelings for Arnaud.

"Too bad. We have to do it. The quicker we practice, the quicker it'll be over with." I reply.
Arnaud sighed. "Fine."

Arnaud and Mehdi put their high heels on, and stood behind me as I stood in the front. "To the right! To the left! Everybody, do the reft! Everybody do the reft! Right, Left! Right, Left! The reft! Right, Left!"

After thirty minutes, the dancers arrive.

"They're here, boys. Remember how we practiced it. It will be embarrasing if it all goes terribly wrong." I say, as they all walk into the dance hall.

"Hello everybody. Just stand over here. We will perform the dance first, just so you can see how we do it."

Me, Arnaud and Mehdi went into a room where we kept our high heels on shelves. There were probably over 200 there. I picked out the bright pink heels, Arnaud picked the purple heels and Mehdi picked the blue heels.

We all walked out, in our heels. The ladies and gentlemen looked at our heels with smiles on their faces, probably excited to learn how to dance in heels or they just like our fabulous high heels. Probably both. I stood in the middle, Arnaud and Mehdi behind me. But, I suddenly fell over! with a thump, I landed on the wood floor with everyone watching me. What the hell? I thought to myself. My heel must have broke! This is so embarrassing. The heel must have been hanging from a thread. "Oh my gosh. This is so embarrassing. I'll be back in a minute."

I run out of the room, so embarrassed. I look at the other high heels on the shelf. Maybe I should use... the lavender ones. I pick them up and put them on, noticing that those break as well. And the next pair. And the next pair! And the next pair!! Someone is making my high heels break! Four breaking in a row? Nuh uh. That's too coincidental.

This is going terrible! Arnaud and Mehdi are out there waiting for me. I've tried fifteen pairs of high heels. Those people are waiting for me. They got out of bed for this. I can't cancel the lesson. I just can't. I'll have to try on my 101 pairs. All of them.

Yanis Marshall and the Heel MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now