Chapter 30: Sohphie to the rescue

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I woke up in a prison cell. I pulled out my expedition tool and tried signaling another rescue team. No signal. "Dangit! Shouldn't a prison have bars!" I shouted. "Oh wait...." I realized my dumb joke. (He's behind "Bars" and theres no wifi "Bars".... Lol) "Shh" said a voice from the shadows. That espeon from early came to the cell and used confusion on the lock. "Back up" she said. I backed away and the cell exploded. I now saw the espeon better and then I was zoned off. "S-shophie?" I said in confusion. "Um... Who are you" she asked. "Wait a minute!! Jaylen?!?!" she continued as a gaurd aproached. "Long time no se-" she was cut off when she ducked under my water shuriken. She saw the gaurd I knocked out and she said "Reunion time later. Escape time now". We ran passed the gaurds and I entincionaly fliped a switch that opened all the cells. Millions of pokemon spilled out the dungeon with us as the gaurds chased after us. We ran to where the sacrafice would be held as the other prisoners took their own path to get to thier homes. We saw Zap ganging from a rope over fire. I saw alot of cut ropes hanging. Zap cut himself free from the rope and floated on his tail over the fire. Then he was grabed by another rope. He just sat there frowning like this process kept going on for hours. Sohphie used confusion and draged him from the rope down to the floor. "Why are you here anyways?" I asked. She pointed with her eyes to an expedition badge on her chest. "We better go now" she said. We ran and Zap gave Sohphie a curious face. "Who is she" he asked. "Remember the eevee from the first time we met" I said. "Oh yea! Hey I never got your name. What is it?". "Sohph-" I cut her off "This is Sohphie. She is also a human." "WHAT! Two humans in this world?" he shouted. Sohphie gave me a look of disapprove as we reached the exit. "How will we get out!?! It didn't work last time I tried" I said. Sohphie used confusion on the water and we fell through. We were soaked in water, but at least back in mythical forest. "Never speak of this again" Zap said as Sohphie laughed at him looking like a clown with the soaked up makeup from mythical town. We walked out to the base together talking about our adventure we just had. Then I remebered how marshadow was there. But what would he want with a town like that. "Look at this cool rock I got from there" Zap said. I touched it and saw a vision. Marshadow was there and a bunch of those beartic were surrounding him asking him about something. They refered to him as "King" and he told them to start tracking the mythical rock. I grabed Zap's rock and trew it into the sky and smashed it. "What the heck!" he shouted. I explained my vision to him and how it was a tracking device, but he didn't take it. Then out of nowhere came a beartic. "Now I belive you" he said shocked.

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