Chapter 9- My Biggest Fan

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It felt like an eternity swimming in almost silence and darkness while the swishing of the current washed by filled my ears. Finally we reached an area where the tunnel rapidly plunged down deeper into an almost ramp like location, the tunnel kept getting wider and wider until the luminescent green glow from the heavy duty glow stick was no more and all I could see was Grace swimming into an endless black void while her body glowed green with the byproduct of her glow stick. A noise starts to become more apparent, it was very hard to hear from farther away since the water flowing through our ears blocked most audible noises, but the closer we got to the location of the fan, the louder and more apparent it became.
"The fan has pre-built timers to assure it doesn't overheat and break, the heat and pressure down here would render it unusable if the timer function was deactivated, we have twenty seconds to find something to hold onto before it starts up again, the fan can only run for ten seconds at a time before it's cool down time starts."
"What do we grab?" I snidely remark at the concept there was anything but tepid water down this god forsaken hole.
"There are large bolts every few feet from the starting area, it has large plastic streamers blowing from the roof, to show us where the fan's blast zones are."
After she says that we swim in silence for a few meters, something looks like it's coming towards us, at this point in the journey it hasn't occurred to me once that there could be something in the tunnel that might have wondered into the pipe exit from the other side.
We swim closer as I begin mentally shitting my pants, the closer we get to the mysterious objects the more anxious I become, we get closer and closer and finally the glow stick lights the objects up fully, they are long plastic streamers floating weightlessly in the water currents; I sigh with relief. The mental Olympics in my head is over for now, but the thought of some other form of marine life swimming around in these tube systems chilled me to the bone.
"Is this the blast zone Gracey-Poo?" Chirped Axel, trying his hardest to raise his voice over the loud thumping of the fan
"Yup, this is it guys, if you can hear me, there will be a faint red light flashing behind the streamers, when you see it begin to swim forward as fast as you can, Axel is the fastest swimmer so he will hold the glow stick so we can see the bolts. The bolts are located on the left side of the tunnel, they will only be the size of a football but don't underestimate their strength."
I wasn't prepared for this, but I've come this far and I can't be bothered swimming back now.

I guess we'll just have to swim through it

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