Just Monika...

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Before this chapter starts, you probably remember that I place two Caramella Girls songs during the house party. The first was Caramelldansen and the second was Saw You Standing There.

Yeah, this song would've been a better pick.

Honestly, while I was making that chapter, I was barely getting interested in Caramella Girls and those two songs were the only ones I would listen too.

Monika: Wow, Caramella Girls. What are your interests?

Hey, you're not suppose to say anything yet!

Monika: Sorry.

Ignore her.

Also, sorry for not updating a new chapter in months. In may, I was trying to get through school so my mind can be more clear, speaking of, I graduated.

It felt good, and to make it up for late updates, this chapter has 5K+ words.

Wow, I know.

That's it. I have nothing else to say. On to the chapter.

AT A...

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. This chapter does contain spoilers and if you are not comfortable with any mention of blood, suicide, or anything like that, I recommend you skip this chapter, well, once there's a new chapter.

Small warning though, you will be confused if you skip because they will mention this later.

Now that's it. Enjoy the chapter!


Draco: Let me get this straight, you guys are still involved with Angel's Truth or Dare thing.

Bear: Yup.

Maya: And it's great!

Lily: I don't know. The fans are scary sometimes.

Nate: They're sometimes helpful. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be with Katie.

Katie: Yup. Also, I don't know why but I'm been liking the name Keisuke lately.

Nate: For me it's Natsume.

Draco: Ha, sucks to be you guys. He let all of the Puyo Puyo cast go.

Almost Everyone: What?

Oh right, that. Puyo Puyo: Truth or Dare is cancelled. The people are now enjoying their lives.

Draco: Yup.

Regina: Why?

Draco: Something about not being in the mood anymore. I could've made him in the mood.

Emily: Stranger Danger!

Draco: I know him moron.

Chloe: Whatever, we have to go.

Kelsey: But I didn't get my ice cream yet.

Eddie: Get your ice cream then.

Kelsey: Okay.

Chloe: I'll be waiting outside.

*Time Skip*


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