authors note/ prologue i guess

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Hello 👋
So my name is taylor I am not the most skilled writer and I am only in highschool so my grammar and stuff will really suck, this story is just something I wanted to have fun with and a hope you guys enjoy, I also am really grateful for any suggestions you have for me thanks.


I wake up to the sun gleaming into my eyes, I groggily throw my legs over the side of my bed and walk into my bathroom.

I look into the mirror to see my white hair glued to the side of my face, (oh ya just to give you some characteristics of me, I am 5ft2 I have long white hair, it's natural of course, and I have big green eyes), I grab the brush from my counter and start trying to tame the atrocious mess on my head I like to call hair.

After brushing through it I go to my closet and grab a simple pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt.
Once I'm done getting ready I walk downstairs and head out for school.

Once I'm finally at school I see a horrid best an demon from hell I see...

Another authors note

So sorry it's short I just wanted to have a short and quick little prologue and if there is any way you want me to re word it and stuff just comment... Thanks

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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