Chapter 7

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"Don't go I love you."

You wanted so badly to kiss him, but you couldn't you wanted so badly to say 'I love you too' you couldn't all you could focus on Was death. This pain in your chest, this burning hatred towards Henry. This life you lived you weren't ready to loose him but now... You couldn't stop death, You were looking right into his soulless eyes, the ones who threatened to take you away from him. You begin to feel light. You felt like you were floating you looked up seeing a bright light sucking you away "N-No..." you refused but this was reality not a silly game. You begin to close your eyes hearing Penny scream 'No.' hearing him so broken made you want to die faster so you wouldn't have to heat him So sad. Maybe... this is for the best, Maybe this life wasn't meant for you...

As you begun leaving your own body you felt something... something dragging you back to life oh how you struggled but Nothing worked it seems as if Penny had done something to me, to stop my death as if he pulled my life away from death himself. And kept it for himself. I awoke days later to Penny in the dark corner of the room "Penny?" He lit with joy but a pain shot across my chest and he was stumbling over a wound he inflicted on himself. My eyes adjusted to the dark and I could clearly see he had dug into the bottom  area of his throat he removed something, something that was keeping me alive. "Are you Alright Doll." You nodded but as soon as you stood up a burning pain in your chest caused you to fall into the bed and curl into a ball and scream bloody murder. Penny ran towards you and covered your mouth to hush you

After 5 minutes of his burning pain it subsided and Penny looked at you worried but pushed it away quickly "Better-doll? Penny asked I nodded he kissed me and told me that he had to go and to not leave the sewer and I can take a map rout to the nebolt house from within the sewers.

You understood, you could just not listen but you had to go see people tell them your alive and grab your phone charger. And a portable one just to be safe. As you followed the maps rout you made it back to the broken down house decorated with your furniture and at least the house looked cleaner and less cobwebs.. it just was broken down, you missed your house you missed your friends and family you missed everyone, your mother called worried sick.... you told her you kind of are living in the nebolt house, she scoffed in disgust but understood. She told you that as long as you are safe and alright with living in disgust and broken down things that are free she is happy for you

She just didn't know about penny or your near death experience. She didn't know that time and death themselves couldn't touch you Anymore, you winced I'm in pain as you ran right into a wall.

"Ouch, haha, maybe I shouldn't doze off while walking."

"God why am I so clumsy?"

You looked down and it also looked like your wound needed cleaning also. But you feared Henry catching you again, but hey, death can't touch me anymore, at least I hope so... I don't want to die on penny now would I? I laughed at myself. I kept walking to my old house finding Penny had taken everything... but not my shoes or my other half of my clothing I laughed and grabbed a suitcase and packed the rest of my shoes and clothing, I put all my makeup in a purse I had, I basically took the rest of my house, the only things he seemed to leave behind was the old food in the house.

Eventually I returned to the house and went to lay down, my chest irritated after being cleaned.

"Doll...?" Penny called out to me I called back to him "How are you doing doll?" I sighed "I'm doing the best I can considering I'm in literal pain." He chuckled "What happened to you earlier? You had a giant wound on tour throat?" he became Silent "All in good time doll." I smiled and pecked him on the lips careful not to upset my chest. He came and sat with me as I had the TV on, somehow it was working? I didnt question it honestly, I had on a horror movie and penny smiled "I brought Snack." I looked at him curious "Its that 'Hot coco' stuff you drink sometimes, thought I'd try some with you." I smiled as I stood up to go make some

--time skip--

I was in the kitchen I had just finished making the coco and that's when it hit me, my chest was glowing a bright yellowish orange color....

And I was hungry...? But not for food...

But for something else...?

I stood there for a few minutes until It calmed down.

"God Penny what have you done to me?"

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