Chapter 3

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{*Few months later*}

It was now September, and I had accepted that I was no longer one, I was watched all day long I wasn't allowed to go anywhere except for work and the store, if he even let me. and as I guessed my boss had enough of my Bullsh*t. I knew I was getting fired.

"Enough is Enough! You constantly miss work without notice, and when you do! You barely do anything as it is!" I sighed and opened my mouth to speak "You aren't speaking! You're fired!" I abruptly stood out of my chair and looked him in the eyes "No, you aren't firing me! I need this job! I can do better just one more chance please I can do better!" Anger filled his face as he stepped to me "You think you can do better? huh? fine then." He grabbed a stack of papers and dropped them on his desk "due, by Monday." My eyes widened "Seriously?! that's in 3- you know what, fine If you insist you maggot." I took the papers and walked out of his office and down the street, I intended on finishing this by Sunday, but I bet you anything that clown will have other ideas. "Hey! Marianne!" I turned my head to see that boy Bill. "Where's all your friends bud?" He chuckled and peddled his bike at my speed "Uhm, we got in a d-diss-d-disagreement" I gave him a curious look as I wondered what it was about. "So n-no-now its just me." I sighed and patted him on the back and chuckled "It'll be okay bill, sometimes you're the only one who has your back sometimes." I smiled warmly as him, I felt eyes burning a bright hole into my back and turned away "I'll see you later bill I have things to do." I walked home, I knew I was in trouble and he was probably going to tear my papers up. Lovely. I walked inside the house and it was eerily quiet "Penny I know you're mad wanna come out?"

"What did I tell you about talking to those losers?" I sighed "Penny, he doesn't have anymore friends to even be a Loser anymore, well he is but you know what I mean." Footsteps approached the kitchen table "And he probably needed the advice I gave him, I know what its like having no friends." the footsteps kept sneaking up slowly "You know the rules doll." I signed, looked through my kitchen drawers for a pencil "Penny, He. Has. No. Friends." I shook my head as I finally found a pencil and turned around and stopped, I looked up to the 7ft clown "I know you're mad, but calm down." I tried to walk past him to the table where my papers where, but I was met with his hand to my throat "Penny-" My feet left the ground as I was face to face with him, his eyes where glowing yellow and fear struck me "Put me down idiot!" I kicked but my foot was caught "You are mine and you aren't anyone elses!" I looked dead into his eyes and smiled "I know penny, but you get so jealous so quickly, you know I'm yours and nobody else's." I smiled and his eyes reflected confusion "Put me down penny there's no reason for this baby" I smiled again and me feet collided with the ground "So, you know your mine already? Good." I smirked "You already know." I walked to the table and sat down "Prove it then" I looked at him "I wish but I cant babes, I have this work to do or im gonna get fired because of you." I winked at him, he grunted and sat down at the table with me "So tell me something, are you the reason all these kids go missing?" I looked up at him and he didn't like that question "Okay, okay, sensitive question im sorry."

{*Sunday evening*}

I hadn't left this table except to sleep or keep myself kept up with hygiene or to eat, And apparently penny had other plans because halfway through yesterday he left abruptly, Oh well, gives me time to do my work more quickly, I had come to the last page of my papers and cheered in excitement "Finally!" I hurried to get it done as it was 5:00p.m. and I Still needed to go to the store. I jumped up and ran to my bedroom and got dressed and hurried out the door to the store, I grabbed a cart and walked through the isles taking my time just enjoying being out of my house, I turned another isle and ran into my ex. I abruptly stopped and backed out of the aisle "I am NOT doing this, not-" I was stopped mid tracks and I sighed "Can you leave me alone? I seriously don't have time for this." I began fast walking away from him but footsteps came from behind, I took a shap left into a busy aisle and lost him. "Gosh, I am NOT in the mood to deal with the clown later." I walked to the cashier and payed. Worried I was going to be followed.

{*time Skip*}

It was dark outside and I was sitting on the couch watching a movie waiting for Penny to come back, I was wrapped in a blanket I was dozing off I don't know where he went but I knew I wasn't in the mood to wait any longer for him, so, I stood up and walked to my bed and decided to sleep. As I lied down I herd the jingle of bells at my bedroom door "Goodnight Penny"

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