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I am going to discontinue this story, I cant bring myself to write anymore chapters for this book, I'm sorry it had to end with a shitty smut chapter. I cant bring myself to write smut anymore as it makes me seriously uncomfortable, and making chapters to this book makes me unhappy, I really wish I finished this book when I was still a sophomore in high-school but I just didn't, and now it'll never be finished. I'm sorry. 

If there are still typo's they probably won't be fixed, as I'm going to keep this book up for everyone to read, but I myself won't be even looking at this book, I also refuse to touch my finished book "Shh, Darling." as it makes me sick looking at it.

I am going to be finishing "Sometimes Dead is Better." as I enjoy writing that book as it is in my comfort zone. If things in my life had gone differently. Now I am working on a few other books I am excited to write I hope you can understand as the reader. 


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