"It can't be that bad?"

"I... I'll lose something I really don't want to lose..."

"Lex..." I hug him tighter. "What happens if you do the thing?"

"I'll still lose the same thing I don't want to lose, but the thing will be okay then. The thing will be without me, but it will be okay..."

I don't understand. "How can you lose this thing in both circumstances? What's the difference?"

"One is just better than the other, but both hurts..."

"Lex I don't understand what-"

"-but I have to do it then...right?"

"I'll stay here, no matter what you choice is. I love you, Alexander Hamilton."

"I love you too, John Laurens."

Alex's prov

Damn it John you're not helping! I really don't want to break up with him...but I don't want to lose him... In both situations I lose him...but in one he'll die... Stupid Eliza

Aaron's prov

Mad Woman

Me : So... You threatened Alex into dating you..?

MW : He'll learn to love me

Me : Eliza... You can't just make someone love you

Me : That's impossible!

MW : Then I'll do the impossible

Me : Why are you even doing this?

MW : I love Alex. Isn't that clear?

Me : No. If you truly loved Alex, you wouldn't have done this

MW : Oh really?

MW : At least he knows that I love him.

Me : you can't make someone fall in love with you Eliza! That's impossible!

MW : How many times are you going to say that?

Me : You just can't!

MW : You done yet?

Me : ...

MW : He does love me. He just doesn't know it yet.

Me : You're insane

Eliza's prov

Aaron Burr

Burr : You're insane!

Burr : What happend to the real Elizabeth Schuyler?

Burr : The one who cares about others

Hamilton at college~ LamsWhere stories live. Discover now