"Thanks again," she calls out quickly and watches those beautifully tanned legs sashay away with all the confidence in the world.

"Man, she doesn't miss a game," Belle points out, sliding onto the bench beside Emma and waking her from her trance on her gorgeous girlfriend.

"That's what friends are for, right?" She shrugs, pressing the tip of her water bottle to her lips and chugging to avoid the conversation.

"I don't really have too many friends. I don't really fit in with all those stuffy girls at my private school," Belle sadly informs her as she kicks at some dirt scattered across the concrete.

"I didn't know that. You are more than welcome to hang out with us this school year. I mean, after school at least or on the weekends," she kindly offers.

Her heart breaks for this girl, because she's honestly the nicest person she has ever met and she would be honored to call Belle, a friend.

"That would be great, Emma." The brunette softly nudges into her shoulder and smiles shyly.

"French! You're up!"


The team really didn't need Emma's assistance at all in the seventh inning. They won, seven to zero and it was actually nice for her to sit back and watch the game for a little bit without the pressure weighing heavily upon her shoulders.

"Swan, your parents had to leave, some animal related emergency," Regina announces, her hand flinging around in the air, expressing just how much she wasn't paying attention to Emma's parents when they explained it to her. "I'm giving you a ride home."

"Perfect." She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively even though she hardly has enough energy to even stand at this point.

"Emma," Lily shouts, grasping her attention. "We are all heading into town for pizza, you coming?" Her teammate invites her, clasping her hand upon Emma's sore shoulder.

Without a moment of hesitation, Regina slips her hand into Emma's and tugs her closer against her side. Emma blinks, peeking down at their conjoined hands in utter shock because she knows her girlfriend would never allow this public display of affection, in fear her mother might catch wind.

"I actually...can't...today," she stumbles on her words, blatantly staring at their locked fingers, but nobody else standing in the circle seems to notice.

"Maybe another time," Ellie offers, swatting her glove against Emma's arm playfully.

"See you, Swan," Anna waves as she follows her sister to their car.

"Alright, but we all have to hang out soon," Lily whines before she follows the sisters as well without anymore debate.

"Hi Regina," Belle greets with her perky sunshine disposition on full display behind her beaming smile. Regina forms a tight lip smile, but only nods her head at Emma's friend in return. "Well, hopefully I'll see you guys soon. I should probably catch up with them."

"Bye Belle," Emma softly says, offering a small wave as she jogs toward the rest of the teammates.

Regina immediately drops Emma's hand and starts strolling toward her Benz without a single word. Emma follows her lead, unbuttoning her thick, heavy jersey that's clinging to her body and slowly suffocating her. 

"So, what's up with Belle?" Regina scoffs the moment they are inside her car and both doors are slammed shut to ensure their privacy.

Emma's entire face scrunches together, expressing her confusion. She quickly peels her damp jersey from her sweaty body and throws the dreadful thing into Regina's backseat as she tries to understand where her girlfriend is coming from. She blows some air down her tank top in a lame attempt to cool down her soaking wet cleavage and studies her girlfriend's face through her eyelashes.

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