It's only the beginning

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Chapter 3

Patricia ran towards me at full speed. Just as she was about to tackle me I jumped over her, grabbed her hair, chucked her over my shoulder and slammed her into the ground. I got vines to hold her done and made electricity run through them electrocuting her gently while a tornado swirled round her.

"Ahh! Stop please stop!" She yelled. I stopped and she stood up shaking a little. "You are very powerful." She said shakily.

"That wasn't my full it's was really easy." I said smiling.

"Well that hurt. I don't think you need to be trained." she said.

"Oh so what will I do now?" I wondered feeling upset.

"You can stay here and go to school here but to warn you the school you will go to has vampires and were-wolfs in and they are packs so don't get on the wrong side of any of them." She warned.

"Ok I will stay and keep on the down low." I said. " Wait I've just noticed, why are you wearing a crown?" I tilted my head slightly waiting for a answer.

"Because we are royalty Anastasia. " My mouth fell open after she said that. "Really?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yes now the guards will that you to your room. Night and I will see you tomorrow." She said then walked away.

I got to my room and the walls were a dark red with black flowers on it with a blood red carpet. There was a walk-in wardrobe and a king size bed with floral sheets. I opened the wardrobe to see shorts, jeans, tops, dresses and shoes. I was going to love it here and I couldn't wait to start school.


Sorry it's been really short I will try to make it longer.

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