Chapter Ten: The Yule Ball

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"I'm so sorry, Prof. Bom. There had been some family problem that I had to take care of." Jisoo explained once she and her partner got down from the stairs.

Both Taeyong and Taehyung couldn't stop staring at Jisoo. She was indeed a sight to be remembered. Her features were highlighted with her gown that were embedded with pearls and other precious black stones and here slender arms were covered with see-through material. Her jewelries were just enough to make her look like a goddess.

"Ehem." Seulgi nudged Taeyong by her side and the boy immediately straightened.

"What the hell, Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung glared at the guy beside Jisoo.

"Hyung—" Jungkook looked terrified. "I—Jin-hyung made me do it." Jungkook explained frantically.

"So that's why Jungkook couldn't tell us who is he going with? Because he's coming with Kim Jisoo? This brat! I will get him for this." Taehyung thought, his eyes were still burning holes towards Jungkook.

Jisoo noticed the nervous boy beside him and she grabbed Jungkook's arm and hooked her arm around his, thinking that it might help Jungkook with his nervousness. But to Jungkook's horror, Taehyung almost jumped on him but thanks to the arrival of a lady, he got saved.

"This woman." Jisoo eyed the newly arrived woman. "She's the woman with Taehyung back at the alley." And her eyes darted towards taehyung who seemed to be displeased upon seeing the woman.

"What are you doing here, Irene?" Taehyung asked the woman.

"I came to be your partner, ofcourse." Irene answered.

And then everyone became quiet, feeling the tension between them. Jisoo then realized that Taehyung must have come to the Ball without a partner.

"Are you mad?" Taehyung scoffed. "Why would you? And you're not a student from one of the schools, so you really don't have the right to come here in the first place." Taehyung stated. Harsh.

"But there are no such rules about having one of the students from the school to be the dance partner of a champion, am I right Professor?" Irene then turned towards the bewildered teacher.

"Huh? Ah.. I guess so?" The teacher answered uncertainly.

"But professor—" taehyung started to protest but a sudden loud music interrupted them.

"No time for that, Kim Taehyung-ssi. Just grab her hand will you? The Ball's about to start!" Prof. Bom demanded and started to fidget all over again. "Line up now, all of you."

Taeyong immediately offered his arm for Seulgi and the girl too his offer delightedly. They were the first pair to line up, followed by Jungkook who quickly took Jisoo by her hand. Taehyung glared at Jungkook for the last time when they were passing by and the poor boy tried his best to avoid staring back at him.

"She's quite a beauty, I admit that." Irene stated, making her way in front of Taehyung. "Her name's Jisoo, right? What a lovely name." Irene continued and this time, she managed to put her hand around Taehyung's arms.

Taehyung swatted her hand away quickly and gave her his menacing stare. Irene just gave Taehyung a small smile after tilting her head towards the direction of the others. Taehyung turned back only to see Jisoo and the other staring at them curiously. And Taehyung didn't have a choice but to offer his hand to Irene, making the girl smile fully.

"I thought I already gave my father a message to leave me alone." Taehyung whispered. "I don't need his help in this tournament, and I difinitely don't want him prying into my life."

"Young master Taehyung." Irene giggled and Taehyung immediately hissed at her in dissaproval. "Believe it or not, I'm here not because of your father wanted me to. It's all me." She finally revealed, earning her a confuse look from the blond boy.


"Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome the three champions." Headmaster YG announced and all eyes darted towards the main entrance of the Great Hall.

Taeyong and Seulgi was the first pair that emerged through the doors, followed by Jisoo and Jungkook. Evyone was busy gawking at the two pairs while they were passing through path towards the center of the dance hall. Then all eyes fell towards Taehyung and the unfamiliar woman beside him.

"Oh?" Jimin on the otherhand was somehow familiar with her. "Isn't that Irene-noona?"

"Irene?" Mina, Jimin's partner asked.

"What is she doing here?" Jimin didn't bother to answer Mina's question and just stared at the walking figures of his friend and his partner.

A defeaning silence was replaced by a dance music. And the three champions were now face-to-face with their partners. The boys' right hand were now placed at the back of their partners while both of their left hands were holding onto each other. When the 2nd beat of the music started, the three pairs started to dance and soon, the teachers and the students followed.


"Ah! I'm so hungry!" Jisoo complained and she together with Jungkook were now headed towards the buffet table. "Yes! Chicken!" Jisoo cheered when she saw the food on the table.

Jisoo quickly took a plate and started to fill it with food while Jungkook just looked at her in amazement, seeing that her plate were aleady full. Jungkook then followed her, taking food for his still empty plate.

"Say, Jungkook-ssi.." Jisoo then turned around to face the boy. "Do you know that woman with Kim Taehyung?" Jisoo asked suddenly, making the boy's eyes widen.

"Umm.. Not really?" Jungkook managed to answer. "All I know is that she once once a student here too. When I was still at my First year here at Hogwarts, I believe she was already on her last year and I heard that she was quite famous here for her beauty."

"Is that all?" Jisoo seemed to be very curious that she kept asking even though her mouth was still full of her food. "Oh, come on. I know there's something more than her being your sunbae. I mean, just look at her being so clingy at Taehyung!" Jisoo scoffed and glared at Taehyung's and Irene's direction.

Jungkook then looked at the other side of the hall. He saw Taehyung sitting at the back of the room while Irene seemed to be talking to him non-stop. Taehyung looked angry but at least he was talking to her from time to time which surprised Jungkook since he knew that Taehyung doesn't usually talk with girls. Jungkook then eyed Jisoo beside him, his eyes searching her expression.

"Are you perhaps jealous with her, noona?" Jungkook smirked.

"What? Me? Jealous? Are you mad?!" Jisoo looked horrified but the she can feel her face getting hot. "You're insane! I knew it! All of my brother's friends are insane! Why did I even agreed to oppa about being partnered with you? Aish." Jisoo kept on rambling and Jungkook found it funny so he started laughing. "Yah!" Jisoo nagged.

Jisoo was too embarrassed, especially when everyone started to look their way. Jisoo decided to escape and she headed towards the Women's C.R to calm herself. And on her way towards the comfort room, she accidentally bumped with Taeyong and seulgi who were on their way tpwards the Buffet table.

"Sorry!" Jisoo uttered hastily and quickly walked away.

"What's wrong with your partner?" Taeyong asked Jungkook when they arrived at the table.

"I think she just over ate." Jungkook snorted.


"What on bloody hell are you doing, Kim Jisoo! Snap out of it!" Jisoo scolded herself on the mirror. "Okay. Calm down, Jisoo-ah." She breathe out.

After quite sometime, she finally decided to get out from the Wpmen's C.R and just when she got out, she noticed that Taehyung saw her from his seat. Jisoo flinched when Taehyung stood up and was headed to her. Jisoo quickly ran back towards Jungkook.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Jisoo yelled, her hands reaching out to her partner but her face was on her back, looking for any sign of Taehyung. "Come with me!" And Jisoo took his hand, dragging them towards the crowding dance floor.

"Wha.. What do you think is she doing?" Seulgi burst out. "Has she gone insane? Why did she drag my partner with her??!"

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