Meave goes wolf

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Writing prompt : she bares her teeth and snarls at them like a wild animal

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Writing prompt : she bares her teeth and snarls at them like a wild animal

Ok , someone tries to hurt one of the member of the band and this causes Maeve to go full werewolf and let's just say the poor guy is pretty much screwed for messing with her family.

None of the members of the band have seen her go full wolf. They are both scared , worried and shocked.

Meave's pov .: We were just chilling before going on stage , when I hear the door being banged on and then opened and a strange man comes in and he walks over to where Larry is sitting and grabs him by his shirt and lifts him up. Causing him to drop his drum sticks.

He warns us " come any closer and the drummer gets it" . The rest of the band is worried about Larry, Adam is very worried because that's his best friend.  Bono is being held back by the edge. Yelling and screaming at the Man who has the drummer.

I start growling at the man demanding him to put larry down now . I screamed " put our drummer down now !" The man says " or else what kid , what are you going to do huh ? I shift into my wolf form and say " this" as I attack the man causing him to drop Larry. Snarling and growling , baring my teeth and circling around the man like a wild animal.

I chased after the man just before biting him hard on his arm , latching on hard

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I chased after the man just before biting him hard on his arm , latching on hard. I mangled to hang on just before being thrown off and hitting the wall hard with my back. My mouth was filled with torn cloth and blood, I try getting back up but end up falling down and hurting my body pretty badly due to hitting the wall with so much force. I let out a small whimper and whine then I black out. Before shifting back into my human form. Blood start poring out my wounds.

B- man's pov : I got out of David's strong grip and ran over to her shouting " Meave !!! " , Meave !?!?. Where are you ?
As I ran I stumble upon , I Finally find her bloody and broken body. I shake her hopefully trying to wake her up and getting no response from her. I call for Dave and the rest of the band " David !! Help me please" . please iris wake up , please I can't lose you " I sobbed as a tear rolls down my face and falling on her face.
A few minutes later
Dave finds me crouching over iris's body and helps me up and calls the rest of the band over here. " ADAM! LARRY ! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW ! They come over here to find iris laying on the ground with bruises . Larry walks over to iris and kneels down to her body and says " iris can you hear me , if you can squish my hand . Oh god please be ok.
She got injured because of me
Iris's pov : I groan and start to squish a hand slowly . I blink slowly and turn my head , opening my eyes only to see a very concerned drummer looking at me .

" what's going on , why are you all looking at me ?  Said  iris, rubbing her head.

Larry was the first one to hug me . Saying" we have to get you to a hospital now " . He asks " can you walk ? "
I answer by shaking my head " I hit the wall pretty hard , I don't think so , and my legs are still hurt a lot. " I said while trying to get up but end up falling again.

The edge ends up calling the ambulance to the hospital

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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