Victor (Imagine)

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"Hey Victor. I just want to say that I miss you horrendously. You've been gone for quite a long time now. We've all missed you. Enoch. Bronwyn. Ms. Peregrine. Me. Everyone.

Everything you've done for us has been amazing. You've been the bestest friend anyone could ask for. The bestest boyfriend I could ask for.

I miss our walks in the parks, when we played football with Hugh and Millard. When we helped Enoch with his work. I miss us. I miss you. I kiss everything about you.

I just want to talk to you one more time and hear your voice. My goodness I could go to sleep listening to your voice it's so soothing.

I feel like without you a piece of me is missing. No, scratch that. Everything is missing. You're the miss puzzle piece. To my life. But I've lost it weeks ago.

I'm sorry Victor.

It was my fault"

I placed the piece of paper down beside him. I looked down one last time at his pale face and dark black eyes. I saw a single tear slide down his no longer rosey cheeks. I bent down and gently wiped it off and gave him a little peck on the cheek.

I felt like I was going to full on cry at this moment.

I took a long breath in and walked outside into the hallway to see Enoch.
We stared at each other for a second until he spoke up.

"You- you really miss 'im don't you" he asked. He was obviously shaking. He was trying to keep it all in. But he wasn't the only one. I was also visibly shaking. I was trying so hard not to cry.

I nodded. And ran into his arms.
Enoch is like a brother to me and hugging him feels like the only safe place.

From then we were both crying.

Enoch was the only one who knew.

I killed Victor with my peculiarity.

It was me who killed him.


I'm the monster.

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