chapter 34 - sleep

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Louis P.O.V

"Louis I need you to look over the final event schedule and make sure the times are correct" "yes as well as we need you to over look the script for our host"  you're team has the board made up of the final venue for the Halloween fund raiser and they need you to stop in and make the final adjustments" I nodded, I felt so over whelmed. It's already been a month since Harry and I got engaged so were already going to start planning but I'm also only a month away from one of our biggest charity events ever. "Mr.Tomlinson floor 2 needs you to email them the information for the building so they can create the last arrangements for the upstairs" I nodded "yes okay just let me go to my office and I will get to all of this". The team was talking to me as we walked and I felt like my head was spinning "Oh sir the wedding coordinator called and she wants you to talk to her assistant about when to set up a time to meet, I put the number on your desk" I smiled "thank you" before I hurried into my office and closed the door. I always kept my cool in front of my company and my teams but I was honestly so stressed. Zayn wasn't here to help because he had to fly to the states to deal with a family thing, which I completely understand.  And of course I have managers and such helping but almost everything has to go through me or be led by me and there was just so much I needed to do- breathe. I reminded myself. I took a deep inhale and exhaled "okay... Louis you can do this".

I sat behind my desk and pulled up the floor plan an building pictures and created a team email for floor 2 and sent it the the team leader. I grabbed the schedule and read the times and adjusted a few of the time slots and buzzed Bebe in and told her to take it to the event team and make it the final time stamps. I leaned back and took a few breathes before I had to make way to the decor team and go over what the whole building would look like. I looked at my engagement ring and the information for the wedding planners assistant.. this would have to wait. I can't try to juggle my wedding and this charity. Not to mention I have meetings for what charity events are going to be held after this one. When I had told Harry about the hotline charity I finally he did he was so excited he teared up. He said it was the best anniversary present I could have ever given him. And I really am happy this charity idea is a great one and I know it will help so many kids, but that doesn't make all the planning that goes into any less stressful and crazy.

 I made my way to the end of the hall and went to the decor room. I looked at the design board and pictures and shook my head "no... the kids room is too fancy... no I specifically said the kids room was for people 17 and under and 18 and up are permitted downstairs because they can legally drink. The upstairs needs to be more exciting versus the level of excitement downstairs... change these" I said grabbing the marker and circling the mistakes and I told them what we needed. "oh sir the caters said that they can do the sparkling cider for the kids after all" I nodded "excellent, work on the decor please and email Bebe when it's done and I can review it again. It needs to be done tonight because decorations are going to be rented and bought tomorrow evening" "yes sir" everyone said. I made my way back to my office and Bebe buzzed "yes Bebe" I said into the phone "I just printed up the charity ideas that made the top ten list by the board should I bring it in" I closed my eyes before nodding "yes bring them in". She set the folder on my desk and I took a deep breathe before I started reading over them. A few them were some I think we really needed to do because they were such big issues but sadly they were ones that we tend to do more often because they're such issues and we have to try and do as many as we can to help as many people as we can. 

I finally had finished for today and I was exhausted, I packed up my briefcase and looked at the wedding planner file and sighed, I'll have to call her tomorrow. right now I just want to get home to Beau and then go to sleep. Liv was watching her for me since I have been at work late the past week.My job thankfully is usually flexible and I always have time for Beau but usually right before a charity is about to happen i gets crazy. I walked inside and kicked my shoes off before hearing "daddy you're home" I smiled as Beau ran up to me in her pajamas. She was getting so big I wished she would just stop. "how was your day" I asked kissing her head "good Liv and I ate spaghetti" I smiled "yum" I looked at Liv and smiled "thank you so much again" "of course I never have a problem spending time with my girl, give me a hug love I have to go" she smiled and hugged Liv. I kissed Liv's cheek and smiled "tell Niall I said hi" she chuckled "he is probably in bed snoring but I will tell him" I laughed and Beau giggle as she left. "alright young lady time for bed" she sighed "but-" "no buts... just because its Friday night doesn't mean you can stay up all night yeah? besides it's almost midnight" she chuckled "okay daddy" she started upstairs and yelled "I'll pick out a book" I smiled tiredly "okay love". I made my way upstairs an half got myself ready for bed before I made my way to Beaus room. I smiled seeing he sitting in front of her book shelf. She was almost already 11... it feels like my little girl just turned 10. I've had people ask me where I would see myself if I didn't have Beau. and the honest truth is I don't care... I don't even want to imagine what sad life I would have without her. She has made me the man I am and led me to the man I love. what is greater than her? "this one" she said and smiled climbing in her bed. She handed me a small paper book with a colored cover that said "prince and prince" I furrowed my brow realizing she drew this "Beau... what's this?" she smiled "I wrote it daddy... I was talking to Audrey about stories and I realized none are about princes and princes... so she helped me write one to surprise you" I smiled softly "well.. I can't wait to read it". She laid back and smiled at me and I smiled opening to the first page. You could tell they had trouble stapling it together because there was a lot of holes where they pulled them out and re-did it, too cute. "once there was a prince and he was a very handsome prince.. he lived in a big castle with a pet dragon named Clifford" I chuckled "I like that" she giggled "the prince loved his dragon and castle but as sad... until a fairy princess granted him one wish" I smiled softly as I read "the prince wished for love and she waved her wand... then a very handsome prince appeared n front of him... they both fell in love and lived happily ever after... the end" I smiled "Beau this was... beautiful.. I know Harry will love it too". She sat up a bit "daddy I have a question about the wedding" I chuckled softly "okay hat is it" "can Audrey be a flower girl with me?" I hummed and nodded "Sure love... we can talk about it more when the planning starts okay? get some sleep" she nodded and I kissed her goodnight. "hey daddy?" I smiled as I was at her door "yes?" she yawned and adjusted the blanket as she said "I'm so happy" I smiled and said softly "yeah me too.." I closed the door quietly and sighed softly going to my room. An I meant it I am happy. but I'm also extremely stressed and my Fiance' sadly isn't here to help me with the wedding decisions. I have to know when he wanted to get married, where. Are we announcing it officially to his fans? or what. We have kept it down low from his fans and media but some fans are already speculating. Since I've been with Harry fans have grown a liking to stalking me on social media. I sighed I just need sleep. yes thats all I need.

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