chapter 6 - absolutely insane

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Louis P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch. Last night was so fun. I haven't connected with someone that quickly... well, ever. We never had a problem finding a thing to talk about all night and what was even sweeter is he made sure that he kept Beau included. Beau was at school so Lottie and I were going to get some groceries. After she told me she was ready we both got in my car and I drove us to the shop. As we walked around I just grabbed some simple things for Beau and I. Cereal, microwavable meals (they're these new healthy kinds called smart-one or some shit), some fruits and bagged vegetables. "so how was your night last night?" Lottie brought up randomly as I was looking as cans of soup "oh.. it was fun.. I think Beau really enjoyed it" she put some chef boyardee (Beaus favorite) in the shopping trolley. "I know Beau had fun, but I'm asking about you. Beau kept saying how funny Harry is and asking if you would invite him over to hang out again you just said maybe or that he is probably too busy" I sighed and put a few cans in "I just... don't want her to grow too attached to him okay? he's a celebrity and his life is hectic and he wont always have time for her". She nodded "oh... so you dont want Beau to get attached.. or you to get attached?" I laughed "ha..what..pft me? why would I get attached. That's absolutely insane" I looked away and pulled the trolley to the next isle "because Louis, just admit you think you might have feelings for someone" I groaned "no I don't okay?... and even if I did, which I dont, but if I did... It would never happen so can we just drop this and finish shopping?" she rolled her eyes "Lou.. look. would you just stop putting up a stupid barrier and think about yourself for two seconds.. Beau clearly is very fond of Harry and he is of her. so I think it's okay if you explore whatever is happening.. I leave in a few hours so just stop fighting and agree" I sighed and set a bag of crisps in the trolley "fine.. okay you're right... I will".

As I unloaded groceries my mobile started to buzz. I groaned because I had two bags of food in my arms and Lottie went to pick up Beau since she was leaving in an hour. I quickly set down the bags on the counter and grabbed it answering "hello?" "Louis hi, It's Harry" I smiled "Harry.. hi how are you" "I'm great.. I was just wanting to see if maybe it would be possible for us to hang out again?". I smiled biting my lip "yeah of course.. I'm sure Beau wold be very excited about that" "great! well maybe I can come over and cook for you both" "yeah, that sounds really great". "lovely, how about tonight?" I smiled "perfect.. I just went grocery shopping" we both chuckled before he said "great well I will head over about 5, I will see you both then" "okay great, bye Harry" "bye Louis" he said softly his voice rasping a bit making me close my eyes after hanging up. his voice saying my name was... really nice. I snapped my eyes open what. no...ugh. I finished unloading all the groceries and quickly cleaned up a bit. The house was fairly clean but I wanted it to look especially nice.

"daddy I'm home" I smiled as I walked out from the living room and Beau hugged me "how was school?" she smiled "good I got a 97 on my maths quiz" I high fived her "great job darling, so I have some fun news" she took off her backpack and put it on the hook by the door "what is it?" "Harry is coming over tonight, he wants to make us dinner". She jumped up and down "YAY I hope he can cook!" I chuckled "me too".

I changed into some joggers and a plain Adidas shirt. I wont lie.... I'm excited. Lottie was right about needing to not be so afraid of opening myself up. I mean I know he is just being nice because Beau is so fond of Harry and likes to have him around, but I enjoy it too. I heard a knock and I took a deep breathe "Beau Harry's here!" she was upstairs playing while she was waiting. I opened the door and smiled "Harry hi" he smiled "Hello Louis" I  saw he had a bag full of groceries "what's that", he chuckled "I cant offer to make you dinner and then use up all your food". I smiled softly "thank you.. you didn't have to" "I wanted to" he said with a sweet smile. We both stood there for a second before I opened the door "um please come in". He smiled and nodded and came in taking his boots off at the door and placing them neatly by the rest of Beau's and I's shoes. He had his hair done up a bit and his curls were styled, he had on a loose button up an some tight jeans. He followed me to the kitchen "wow its lovely in here" I smiled softly "thank you" "I miss having a home like atmosphere.. on the road so often you know" I nodded "of course". He "So for dinner I was just gonna make chicken and vegetables" I smiled and nodded "that sounds good". I heard some foot steps coming down the stairs and heard a excited "Harry!". Harry's face instantly lit up when he saw her and that made my hear feel a little soft. "Beau how are you darling" she ran over and hugged him and she smiled "good, daddy said you're making dinner for us". He smiled "That's correct" she giggled and sat at the counter and I smiled leaning against the wall by the kitchen entrance. I looked at Harry and how he started unloading things, Beau staring at him asking a bunch of questions like what hes making and how he knows how to cook so well. I smiled softly imagining what it would be like to come home at the end of the day and see Beau home from school and someone in the kitchen making dinner and playing with her... then after we all eat together maybe he and I drink some wine and share sweet intimate conversations and- "Louis?". i snapped myself out of it and smiled "I'm sorry yes?" he chuckled and used his head to motion me over "come on its not just me and Beau here" I smiled softly and pulled out the chair to sit down but harry pointed at me "oh no, you're helping me cook". I laughed "I cant cook Harry" he smiled not answering, just patting the counter on his right side and Beau giggled as I walked over to him.  Harry asked for certain bowl and such and i grabbed them for him "what are you making" Beau asked and harry chuckled "okay okay, we are making breaded chicken with cooked green beans and peas with some home mash" I nodded "yeah I don't know how to do any of that.." Beau snickered and i fake glared at her and she covered her mouth trying to hold it in. Harry laughed as he started opening things for the chicken "here I will season and bread the chicken... crack these 4 eggs please" I nodded "okay I can do that". 

I started cracking them into the bowl and harry set the green beans in front of Beau "here love, break the ends off of these off and put it in here" she smiled and did so happily. I smiled softly at him making sure she is involved, "here love now whisk this" Harry said handing me a little mixer and setting it in the bowl with the eggs I cracked. I nodded mixing it and whispered "um... how do you whisk" he chuckled and gently held my hand moving the whisk "like this" I blushed softly and nodded as he let go and I finished mixing it on my own. the rest of the time cooking wasn't actually as bad as I thought. I thought I was going to end up burning everything... like always but instead I helped make a really good dinner... well of course Harry did most of the work. I set the table and we all sat and ate together, Beau told us about school and we talked about random things. 

 "I'm so excited for the premiere of your video" Beau said, Harry smiled "hey its our video, and it came out amazing I really am proud of what we all did" I smiled "dinner is amazing by the way Harry thank you". He smiled at me and I smiled softly as I looked at Beau "after you finish up sweetheart go ahead and go upstairs and brush and get ready for bed, you have an early morning tomorrow" she nodded "yes daddy". After she ate she hugged Harry and I "I'll be up later to say goodnight" she nodded and skipped upstairs. I started cleaning up and setting stuff in the sink. Harry set bowls in the sink and I looked at him "oh Harry i can get these you don't-" he stood next to me and smiled "you wash I'll dry". I smiled softly and handed him a rag. "I can't thank you again Harry... Beau really loves you and you're so good with her" he smiled as he dried a cup "well it's not hard.. she's an amazing young lady. you have raised her very well" he smiled at me and I smiled and helped him dry since I finished washing "thank you". I put things away and harry helped me. He was sitting at the counter and I smiled "thank you again for tonight Harry" he chuckled a low chuckle "you dont have to keep thanking me really... um if you need to go say goodnight to Beau that's okay", wait he wasn't leaving?? he wanted to stay? I nodded "oh okay.. yes.. I will be right back" I nodded and hurried upstairs and knocked gently on Beau's door. I didn't hear anything so I slowly peeked in seeing her sound asleep with a book on her chest. she loved reading before bed. I smiled and carefully book marked it and set it on her side stand before covering her up and kissing her forehead. I turned off her reading lamp and put on her night light and slowly shut the door. I took a deep breathe and went back downstairs seeing Harry looking at pictures on the wall "she's already fast asleep" he chuckled "she's a busy girl" I laughed "yeah". He looked at me "she has your eyes", I smiled softly "well..did you maybe want some wine?" he nodded and smiled "sure that would be great". I grabbed two glasses out and opened a bottle and poured us each a decent amount and handed it to him and sat in the chair next to him and he held his glass out to mine "to meeting new people.." I blushed softly and clinked my glass to his as we both took a sip. "so Louis tell me more about your work.." I nodded "well um.. what else would you like to know" "how does someone create a charity?" I nodded again "well they would have to create a detailed written explanation on what the charity is and what it would do, what they would want from this... event ideas. and then if its something the board finds due-able and it's something that can actually happen they come in for a meeting then the planning begins". He smiled "hm that's very interesting.. I've done work with charity's but I didn't realize just how much really actually goes into just the idea of one" I smiled "yeah it can be a lot but I love it". He just kind of stared at me and I licked my lip " everything okay?" he chuckled "oh I'm sorry I just... was thinking about saying something" I set my glass down "oh, well go ahead". he set his glass down next to mine and interlocked his fingers " what does it mean to you if I were to ask you to go out to dinner with me..." I laughed "is that all?". He seemed surprised but I laughed "I mean Beau and I have already been to dinner with you Harry and you cooked for us I think its okay if we-" "oh no Louis you don't get it" I furrowed my brow "what?" he chuckled "Louis I wan't to go on a date with you".

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