Chapter 3: Unlikely Medical Team

Start from the beginning

Forrest nodded, "I take it you knocked him out to get him here?" She said looking down at the man on the bed, his breathing was stable, nothing drastic yet *no, he passed out once I had picked him up* Shaking her head, she looked back at the dragon "I wonder why? Well since you got us into this mess, go get him prepped and in the scanner. Let me know for sure what you find, then bring him over to med lab C12. Considering we do not have much for power, that one has the most lighting.." She trailed off, looking down again "Maybe make sure he is properly sedated too. Not just passing out each time he wakes to see you" The dragon seemed to smirk, as he stayed upright on his hind legs. He gently began to push the bed around, heading off for another part of the university. She simply shook her head. "All Shall be helped" she muttered before turning around and heading towards the medical labs to prep.

Within half an hour, Castiel had returned with the bed, the man now hooked to a few monitors and an IV drip. He pushed the bed into med lab C12, were Forrest was ready to work. Her silver hair now in a tight bun as she put a mask over her face "Okay Cas, run me by what you found again" she said as she took control of the bed. Moving it to the light she had managed to get. Mirrors had their uses for them and to bounce sunlight around was the main one. The Dragon walked over to one of the cabinets, pulling a much larger face mask down and looping it over his ears *Dislocated shoulder, Concussion was not as severe as I first thought but still bad. Two broken ribs, much worse than I thought to be honest. Broken off and pointed downward, narrowly missing the right lung and heart* Forrest paused, holding the tools in her hand her glare could have killed "You picking him up could have killed him then and there Cas" The dragon shook his head. Taking his place across the table *But I didn't, and now we have a chance to make sure he does not die. Plus, it will be good practice for you! Last time you worked on a live human was what? Ten years ago* She ignored him on the last part, Looking down at the man on the table, holding her tools "Did you catch a name at all Cas?" The dragon picking up a few other tools in his claws *I think so, the others were calling out Carson when I started to leave with him* She simply nodded, looking down again "well Carson, let's see if Cas and I can fix you up"


"How exactly are we even sure it flew this way?" McKay called from where he stood, looking up at the rubble they were attempting to scale. Ronon was near the top, scrambling up the large stone chunks as Sheppard hopped over a large gap in the stones. "It flew this way, what else do you want me to do? You said it yourself the scanners can't pick anything up" He half jumped up the rest of the way, with Ronon grabbing the back of his vest and pulling him up the last few feet "Thanks" Sheppard looked back down at McKay "Now hurry up, the more time you sit here and bitch about things the farther we fall behind them" He stood up, ignoring the eye roll he had just received as he turned to look at the city they had now managed to get to.

The white buildings were toppled, and some still seemed to be in the process of crumbling down. The streets nothing but rubble, as the plant life began to take over leaving the entire area patches of green and white stone. Behind him, Ronon had grabbed on to McKay, hauling him up the rest of the distance. He looked into the city, sitting for a moment on the stone "They were advanced. Honestly, I might even say farther along than most of Earth." He quickly stood up and walked over to join the other two. "My biggest worry is how many more of those dragon things are there? They can change their size for Christ's sake. We have no idea how small they can make themselves." Ronon and Sheppard just looked back at him, "Well Rodney we have to go find out I guess" Sheppard said as he began to make his way down the city side of the wall and into the streets. Ronon looked at McKay "the Smaller they are, the easier they are to kill you know" before following Sheppard down the rubble. Leaving Mckay shaking his head and following.

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