Chapter 4: Training - Activity 1

Start from the beginning

"Read is the parentheses before the question." I cocked up an eyebrow.

"Don't worry I'll give you some time," I growled at him.

'(Answer this first and last name.)'

"What?! I don't know your last name!"

"I know."

I snatched his clipboard out from his hands. 'Naruko Senju ' Looks like Sasgay got some neat handwriting.

  I gave him his clipboard back and looked at him like I was waiting for an answer, which I was!

"Uchiha." He said without emotion and had blank eyes.

"Good. Next question."

"'What's your partner's favorite food?'"(choose two)



I shrunk my face up in disgust. "Gross tomatoes are one of the worst vegetables in history. I can't believe you actually like those."

"Okay 1, a tomato is a fruit, and 2 I don't care what you think about them, they satisfy my cravings." He said harshly.

I squinted my eyes at him. "Second favorite food."

"Rice balls."

"Orange!" Then I said to myself. "I knew he was gay."

Sasuke heard because when I looked at him his face held the meanest scowl that I have ever seen. I shot my eyes back to the paper and tried to avoid eye contact.

"Okay..." I said. " question."

"How do you feel about the person you are partnered with?"

I wrote my answer down and waited for Sasuke to finish. When he was done we both eyed each other. It was silent. Sasuke and I technically had if one of those staring tests. Ya know, the ones when you want to see which one is better at just about anything. Those kinds of staring test.

I noticed that Sasuke's eyes watered, and tears began to fall down his face. Then my eyes stung, and tears rolled down the sides of my cheeks, and then finally I couldn't take it anymore, so I blinked.

When my eyes opened, so did Sasuke's. Then we both yelled, "AHA! YOU BLINKED! I WIN!"

"No, I win," I yelled. "You blinked before me, ya know!"

"Are you kidding yourself? I didn't even need to use my Sharingan to see that your eyelids fell before mine." He scoffed.

"They did not!"

"Did too."

"Did not!"

"Did too."

"Did..." I jumped from my position on the ground and tackled Sasuke onto the ground. "...not!" Then I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him closer.

"Get off me." He growled.

"Nope. Not until you admit that I won, and you..." I leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "...lost." And with that last word he tensed up and threw me off him. I landed on my back and something stabbed me. I sat up and picked up the clipboard. It was Sasuke's. I read the answer that he put down for the last question that we answered.

"My partner is a complete idiot. All she thinks about is food. She can never be taken seriously. I think she is gonna hold the whole team back. There is nothing but idiots on my team. But she is the most idiotic of them all. How am I supposed to get better, and meet my goal."

My eyes furrowed, teeth clenched, and I let out an aggravated growl. "All I think about is ramen. All I think about is ramen!"

He looked at me from the side as if he didn't know what I was talking about. I held the clipboard in front of his face. Then he just shrugged and waved it off like it was nothing.

"Ya, know, you are the most self-centered jerk I have ever met! All you think about is getting stronger! You don't even give a damn about your comrades."

He glared at me with his red eyes. I guess this is what he calls 'sharingan'.

"Shut the hell up! You don't know a thing about me so how about you stay in your damn place."

"You're one to talk! You think that I only care about food and that's not true! I care about a lot of other things. Like this village. Even though I just got here it already feels like home. And you're messing it up with your uptightness. I don't understand how Sakura likes you when all you do is treat her like crap."

"If you don't like it here then how about you go back to where you came from. No one wants you here any way you don't belong here."

Those last words echoed in my head. I bit my lip and tried my very best to hold in the tears.

"Fine," I said with as much aggressiveness as I could, so my voice wouldn't break.

Then I walked off and when he was out of sight I let the tears flow down my cheeks.


Chapter 4 complete, Hn!

I sorry it took me soooo long to update this chapter. Thx for reading. Pls comment and vote.

BIA! =)

Book I: Complications -§- (NarukoxSasuke) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now