The Mysterious Tower

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My Pov

Terra left me at the Mysterious Tower, telling me to stay put until he, Ven and Aqua came back for me. My thoughts kept drifting back to my dad... our home... where would we go now? I looked at Nyaromon and she was visibly upset. We slowly walked up the stairs. Just as we got to the door, I heard voices.

"King Mickey." one voice said.

"King Mickey." another voice said. King... Mickey!? Was Mickey hurt? I went into the room and saw Aqua and Penguinmon.

"Aqua!" I cried.

"Penguinmon!" Nyaromon cried!

"Hikari!" Aqua exclaimed.

"Nyaromon!" Penguinmon exclaimed. We hugged them, crying our eyes out. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I shook my head. I looked to see an elderly man. This was Master Yen Sid.

"Aqua, the stars bring me grave news. Master Eraqus and Owryumon's stars have blinked out. I am afraid that means they has been struck down." he said. She gasped in complete horror.

"The Master? But— Who is responsible?" Aqua demanded. Master Xehanort looked out the window. I saw eight stars making a diamond shape with two little stars in the middle.

"Master Xehanort, Mephistomon... Terra and Gaomon." Yen Sid said. Aqua was horrified by what Master Yen Sid had told her.

"No!" She slammed her hands on the desk. "That's absurd! Terra would never!" Aqua shouted.

"Gaomon would never either!" Penguinmon agreed. I started crying even harder.

"It's true, Aqua... I was there... I saw everything..." I said, choking back my sobs.

"It is true..." Nyaromon whimpered, nodding her head.

"No... It can't be... Where is they? Where can I find Terra and Gaomon?" Aqua asked.

"Terra's heart is leading him to the ancient Keyblade Graveyard, where wielders of those weapons once waged war." Yen Sid answered.

"All right. I'll go after him... and see if it's true." Aqua said.

"Be on your guard." Yen Sid warned. She nodded. She left and I ran after her.

"Wait, Aqua!" I called. She didn't turn around to face me.

"Hikari, you need to stay here. Me, Terra and Ven will be back soon." Aqua said.

"What if something happens to all of you? What if Xehanort kills all of you? The four of you are all we have left..."I said. This time she turned around.

"The four of us?" Aqua said, confused. I nodded my head.

"You, Ven, Terra and... Van." I muttered.

"Van... You mean Vanitas?" I nodded my head. "Hikari, you've been talking to him? He's dangerous!" Aqua exclaimed.

"Dorumon is just as dangerous!" Penguinmon said.

"No they're not!" Aqua was taken aback by my sudden outburst. "Up until I went to Radiant Garden, they were enemies. But now they're my friends. They're only hurting you guys now, because if he doesn't Xehanort will come after me." I said.

"Hikari..." Aqua said.

"No! You don't know the pain Vanitas and Dorumon had to endure! When I touched Vanitas's heart, I saw his memories and felt his pain. It's all Xehanort's fault. Xehanort's the one who made him and Dorumon evil." I was bawling by this point. "Van just as much a victim as anyone else! Van been hurting all his life and has been fed nothing but lies. He's never had a friend before in his life and has never once known what it's like to be happy. Van is... Van is one of my most precious friend and he just as important to me as you three are!" I exclaimed. I fell to my knees, bawling like a baby. Nyaromon tried to comfort me, but it didn't work. I didn't care what Aqua said, Van wasn't dangerous. Aqua wrapped her arms around me.

"I trust what you say Hikari. I believe if anyone could change him, it would be you." I looked up at her with puffy, red eyes. She wiped my tears away. She stood up. "I promise you this Hikari; we'll come back. All of us." Aqua said.

"You'll try to bring Van and Dorumon back with you, too?" I asked. She nodded.

"Terra and Ven may object, but I'll talk them into it." She said, putting on her armor, getting on her glider.

"Aqua!" I said. She turned to me. "Your Crests... I meant to tell you what they mean. Ven's Crest is the Crest of Faith, Terra's is the Crest of Strength and yours is the Crest of Love.

"Thank you, Hikari." Aqua said, taking off. I stood there, waving good-bye, until she was out of sight.

Aqua's Pov

As the Mysterious Tower got farther and farther away, I could only thing of my friends and what was to happen to us. I looked down at my Wayfinder.

"Terra, Ven... please just be safe. I'll find a way to get you out of this." I promised. The new Keyblade Master could have never predicted what would take place.

Ven's Pov

I remembered everything now. I remembered that Xehanort had been my Master before and that Vanitas was the darkness extracted from my heart. Falcomon stood ready to attack.

"Look, while the Master pressure me to, I don't want or need to fight you." Vanitas said.

"What?" I asked. He hopped down from the bridge he had been standing on.

"I mean, the only reason I wanted the X-blade in the first place was so the pain in my chest would go away. But, I found another way. Or rather, a friend." Vanitas said.

"Who would be your friend?" I asked, not believing him.

"Hikari. And here's proof." He said, taking out a dark purple Wayfinder.

"Why would Hikari be your friend?" I asked.

"Because, unlike the three of you, she's intuitive to others. She can feel the pain they hide in their hearts. She felt my pain and healed it. Now I realize Xehanort's been lying to me my whole life. There's no reason for me to fight you now or forge the X-blade, but if I don't..." Vanitas said.

"What? He'll hurt you?" I asked.

"I'm not worried about myself. It's Hikari he'll go after." He'd hurt Hikari!? "I told him I wouldn't hurt her or let anyone else hurt her." Vanitas said. A portal appeared behind him. "Decide what you're next action is carefully." He and his Umbreon disappeared into the portal. I took out my Wayfinder.

"Terra, Aqua, Hikari... I swear I'll put an end to this." I promised. I opened a path with my Keyblade. I summoned my armor and my glider.

Vanitas's Pov

Ven was following me. Not too close to where Xehanort might find it suspicious, but far even to where it look like he was tracking me down. I looked at the Wayfinder Hikari gave me.

"Hikari... I swear to you this; I'll try to keep your friends from harm. The last thing I want, is for you to be heartbroken." I promised. While I wanted to keep this self-made promise, something in me said that when this battle was over, when everything was said and done, Hikari would end up alone.

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