The Alien of Deep Space

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My Pov

I opened my eyes to see we were on some kind of ship. I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing a glittering, teal top with a slit cut at the chest and dark blue lining with white ruffles on the bottom to match the white, low worn sleeves. Below the slit at the chest was a section of dark blue detailing with broken up green, yellow, and purple shapes with a single ice blue one in the center. It came with a dark blue cloth necklace with a gold star attached to it, and two dark blue cuff-bracelets with a single gold star on each one. A shimmering teal skirt with white pleats. On top was a dark blue belt with broken up, colorful shapes. Attached to the side was a gold star with two chains of diamond and star shaped gems hanging from it. On my feet were shimmering teal boots with the foot part being black, while the material was cut off from the toe. On top were broken up triangles and diamonds of blue, green, purple, and yellow, with gold stars below them in the center of light colored straps. On my head was a silver headband with three teal diamond gems on it and one that hung in the center. It came with a teal diamond earring with metal shards hanging from it(Look at Aikatsu Astronaut Coord). Eve had a star collar around her neck. I looked out the window.

"Wow! Van, look at this!" I exclaimed.

"What did you just call me?" I thought for a minute and covered my mouth. "Don't call me by a shorter version of my name. I'm not your idiot of a brother." Vanitas snapped. Why was he calling Ven my brother?

"Sorry. What were you going to tell? About me being special?" I asked.

"Hikari... you're... the Princess of Kingdom Hearts." Vanitas said. My heart came to a sudden halt. Salamon looked up at me, understanding my surprise.

"Me? A princess? There's no way! That's impossible!" I exclaimed.

"Haven't you ever wondered how you can use powerful spells without much training and be able to use a Keyblade at five years old?" I did wonder that. "You're special Hikari. You have untapped power deep in you. Xehanort can sense it. Each of the different clothes you wear keep you hidden from the forces of darkness." Vanitas said.

"Is it my power that changes my clothes?" I asked. Vanitas shook his head.

"No. It was someone else. Probably that woman who saved you when I took you from Land of Departure." Vanitas said.

"What woman?" I asked.

"A woman who was like an older version of you." Vanitas said. My mom... even though she was gone, she still protects me. "I have to go. Stay out of trouble." He and Umbreon disappeared. I wondered around the ship, wondering what kind of people or creatures lurked here. I felt something hit my back and jump over me. I looked to see a very strange creature. It was some kind of alien with blue fur, darker patches on the back of its head and on its back as well. A domed nose rested in the center of its face, between large black, tear-shaped eyes. Sharp teeth resided in this creature's mouth, along with a long pink tongue. It had clawed hands and stubby legs that had shorter claws themselves. A short tail juts out from its rear. It was also dressed in an orange uniform. It one of its hands was my Wayfinder! I felt in my pockets to find that thing had taken it.

"Give me that!" I yelled. It jumped and landed on the ceiling where I couldn't reach. It started to pulling on the cord that was attached. "No! Stop, please! My sister made that for me! It's a symbol of the bond between her, me and my brothers!" I cried. I gasped and covered my mouth. Did I just call Aqua my sister...? And call Ven and Terra my brothers?" The creature looked at me, then my Wayfinder and dropped it before scurrying away. I picked up my Wayfinder and held it to my chest. Then I took out Takara. 'These are items of love. Takara was made by Ven, Terra and Aqua. The Wayfinder represents our unbreakable bond. How could I not realized how much I loved them? They were my brothers and sister. They were my family. The creature jumped from the ceiling.

"Hi-ka-ri? Terra... Ah-koo, wah...Ven..." the alien muttered.

"Wait, you know Ven, Terra and Aqua?" I asked. He took out something. It looked like a Wayfinder, but it was made from different pieces of metal.

"Fren-ship...Cir...cle?" the blue alien muttered. He wanted friends.

"Yeah. You can be my friend. Hmm... you need a name. How about... Stitch?" I suggested.

"Stitch! My name Stitch!" Stitch said. I smiled. Stitch sniffed Salamon and Salamon sniffed him. Just then, a blast of something narrowly went past my head and hit Stitch.

"Stitch!" I cried. He wasn't hurt, but his Wayfinder had been destroyed. I felt the ground shake a little. I looked to see a larger alien towering over us.

"I don't know how you did it, but you won't get away again." the alien grunted.

"Leave Stitch alone!" I shouted.

"Out of the way!" the alien yelled. He turned his attention to Stitch "You haven't fooled me. You can bat your eyes all you want at the Grand Councilwoman so she'll reconsider your sentence. But I see you for what you really are—an abomination that's only instinct is to destroy everything it touches." Stitch grabbed and carried me and Salamon through the ventilation system.

Ven's Pov

Falcomon and I followed the Unversed to the main core of the ship. We had to keep it away from the core so it couldn't drain it.

"Falcomon, you need to digivolve!" I said. I held up my Digivice.

"Falcomon digivolve to... Diatrymon!"

There was an explosion from above me. The creature, Hikari and Salamon landed next to us.

"Hikari!" I exclaimed.

"Salamon!" Diatrymon exclaimed.

"Hi Ven!" she said cheerfully.

"Hi Diatrymon" Salamon said. What was they doing here!? They could get hurt. The alien I had met earlier started yelling gibberish at the Unversed. Hikari's Keyblade appeared in her hand and she held up her Digivice.

"You need to digivolve Salamon!" Hikari said.

"Salamon digivolve to... Gatomon!"

I didn't have time to get them out of here. With them and the alien's help, destroying the Unversed was easy. Diatrymon and Gatomon reverted back to Rookie. "Stitch, calm down!" Hikari cried. Stitch was still angry, but why? I grabbed him to restrain him, but he knocked me and Falcomon backwards. "Ven!"

"Falcomon!" Salamon cried. Stitch calmed down after a few seconds.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked.

"That big alien broke Stitch's Wayfinder." Hikari said. Stitch held out the remains of his Wayfinder.

"Don't worry. Friendship is more than just an object." I told him.

"Fren-ship...Cir...cle?" Stitch asked. I nodded. The ground shook a little. We turned around to see that guy, Gantu.

"Hmph, don't let the little mimic fool you. You saw for yourself what kind of monster that thing is. All it knows how to do is hurt and destroy." Gantu said.

"Monster? He helped us stop the monster!" I said.

"You must have triggered some sort of mutation...hidden in the little freak's genetic coding." Gantu scoffed. Stitch jumped on to Gantu's face and tripped. We started running. Stitch got into a space cruiser while I shifted into my Keyblade armor and grabbed Hikari. Falcomon carried Salamon on his back. She became cloaked in some kind of light, but it protected her. I had no idea where we were heading.

"I'm scared, Ven!" Hikari cried.

"Don't worry Hikari. I won't let you fall. Just hold on tight." I told her. I nodded and felt my fear melt away.

"Thanks Ven! I love you!" Hikari said. Stitch did something that caused the security ships following us to break away. He started yelling something at us. "Ven, I think he's telling to get back." Just then, some kind of force shot from Stitch's ship.

"Ven! Hikari!" I heard Stitch yell. Salamon was knocked off of Falcomon's back. I fell off my Glider, but that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was Hikari's hand slipped from mine.

"Hikari!" I yelled.

"Ven!" Hikari cried.

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