Disney Town & Heartful Song

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My Pov

I held on to Vanitas's hand. This portal was scary. I happened to turn and saw a portal of light. All of a sudden, Vanitas pushed me into the portal. I looked around to see I had ended up in a very playful-looking and colorful town. I looked down at my clothes. I now wore a white shirt with colorful sprinkles and rounded sleeves with pink cuffs and frills. Straps of pink, yellow, green, and white gradience were on top of it, while the skirt was pink, white, yellow, and green themed with a white layer decorated with sprinkles. A gold chain with gold buttons and a pink ribbon was on the dress, along with various dark blue, white, and pink balls are held on the skirt. This came with a pink chain bracelet, along with a pearl bracelet of blue, white, and pink spheres, and a pink chain necklace with a pink ice cream. On my feet were gold yellow shoes with a pastel green ice cream ball at the outer toe and gold ankle cuffs with white frills. The stockings that came with it were pink and brown striped with white cuffs decorated with colorful sprinkles. On my head was a headband composed of large pastel orbs coming in pink, orange, blue, yellow, and lavender. Attached to it were smaller orbs of pink, yellow, and orange, and a single blue wrapped candy. On my ears were earrings with four small beads of pink, green, yellow, and blue. Hanging from each earring was a pale blue orb(Look at Aikatsu; Pastel Marble Ice Coord).

"Where am I now?" I wondered. I walked around looking for citizens.

"Oh! Hello." a sweet voice said. I turned to see a mouse who looked just like Mickey. Except this mouse was a female. She wore an elegant ball gown with short, ball-shaped sleeves. The top of the gown was pink with red lining. The pink section sported a flower-like pattern inside circles that lined the bottom. She wore another, salmon-colored layer underneath this, and a third, pleated, red layer under that. She also wore white gloves that cover her whole arms and a large, red bow on the back of her dress. On her head was gold tiara with a ruby Mickey-shaped symbol set in the middle. "Who are you?" I could tell this mouse was royalty by her clothing. I curtsied.

"My name is Hikari ma'am. This is Salamon." I said.

"It's very nice to meet you Hikari. I am Queen Minnie, queen of Disney Castle and Disney Town." the female mouse said.

"It's an honor to meet you, your highness." I said.

"Oh, just call me Minnie. Hikari, may I ask why you are here?" she asked.

"I don't really know myself your high-, I mean Minnie. I just end up going to different places at random times." I said.

"Oh my. Well, if it's not too much trouble, could you- oh dear, What am I thinking? It's far too dangerous for a small child to handle." Minnie said, worriedly.

"What is?" I asked.

"You see, our town is in the middle of having the Dream Festival. Lately, some sort of strange creature has been showing up and they are causing trouble for us. They're especially causing trouble by attacking and scaring the newly hatched Digimon in a field nearby." Minnie said.

"Well, I can help you. I know I may not seem like it, but I've fought them a little." I said.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to get hurt while trying to perform a request. Especially one from myself." Minnie said.

"I'll be fine. Just tell me where the field is." I assured her.

"If you're serious about going, then go follow the yellow road. Please do be careful Hikari." Minnie pleaded.

"Thank you for your concern Minnie. I'll be fine." I said, running up the road. I soon came to the field to see a group and baby Digimon being chased by Unversed. I hurried and and Salamon jumped ahead of me.

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