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When can we become apprentices?" Fishkit asked Foxpool eagerly. "In one more moon," Foxpool answered. "But that's forever!" Mistykit complained, shoving past her sister.
Foxpool purred and tossed them a moss ball. "That's boring!" Fishkit growled. "We want to go hunting!"
"Jayfur is coming back from hunting, and I'm sure she'd share some of her prey with you," Goldenpelt purred, licking her kits. Fishkit swiped at her nose, claws unsheathed."Fishkit!" Goldenpelt screamed, her eyes wide with terror. Blood dripped from her nose, soaking her white belly-fur.
Foxpool rushed over to help the bleeding queen, who Fishkit was carefully stalking like if she was hunting for prey.
"Fishkit!! That's enough!" Foxpool growled. "Go back to the nursery, and stay there!" Fishkit growled and stomped off to the nursery, her claws out, and ready to poke into some cat.
Goldenpelt was whimpering. "Why would my little Queen do that?!" she mewed with pain. "She's Fishkit now," Foxpool reminded her. The white bellied she-cat whimpered again. "Perhaps she wanted to practice on mommy!" Mistykit joked.
Suddenly Rosethorn burst into the clearing. "What's going on in here?!" she hissed. "Fishkit is dangerous," Foxpool warned. "Stay away from her."
Rosethorn nodded and headed for the fresh-kill pile. Only then did Foxpool notice that her stomach was growling with hunger. Rosethorn hissed at the fresh-kill pile. She hissed and looked at the food. "Could've done better" she scowled. She usually preferred freshly picked rose petals and missed her old home. A nice twoleg nest called a "mansion" far away from the forest."Sorry, Rosethorn," Jayfur apologized. "We tried our best." Rosethorn let out a big huff, and bounded into the forest to do a little hunting of her own. Foxpool smiled, though she couldn't help wondering if Rosethorn would give up her life as a warrior and go back to live with her Twolegs in this so called "mansion", whatever that was. The young she-cat was always talking about how nice it was there and how she never ever got mud in her paws, unlike the forest of NightClan.
Foxpool sighed and went back to work. The Gathering was slowly sneaking up on NightClan, and Foxpool was worried that Fishkit might cause a lot of trouble. The medicine cat trotted over to Turtlestar's den. "Yes, Foxpool?" the Clan leader asked.
"Well, I was hoping, even though it's super against the warrior code, if we could make Mistykit and Fishkit apprentices tonight, because I'm worried that Fishkit will cause a bunch of trouble without a mentor to look out for her." Turtlestar nodded and leaped onto Highmushroom.
"Attention cats of NightClan!" she announced. "Today, we will make Fishkit and Mistykit early apprentices!"
"You can't do that!" Stormheart yowled, his hackles raised with alarm. Turtlestar glared at him, her eyes trying to look menacing, but only sweetness showed. Turtlestar growled at her eyes and then motioned for the two kits to come forward. "Mistykit, Fishkit, until you have earned your warrior names, you shall be known as Mistypaw and Fishpaw." Turtlestar looked down at the Clan gathered before her. "Jayfur, you will mentor Mistypaw. Stormheart, you will mentor Fishpaw."
"Mistypaw! Fishpaw! Mistypaw! Fishpaw!" the Clan cheered.
"Hold on!" Fishpaw demanded, shoving Turtlestar aside. The Clan gasped. "I'm going to go join DarkClan!" (Well that was unexpected) she announced. The Clan gasped again. Fishpaw ran out of camp, and the silence that hung in the air of the Camp was unbearable.

Foxpool circled around twice before sitting down beside Mistypaw. The Gathering had just started. Turtlestar had already announced Mistypaw, and all the Clans cheered except for DarkClan. They were probably too happy for their new apprentice that just joined their Clan. Bloodstar stepped forward. "DarkClan has a new apprentice," he announced very loudly. His voice seemed to shake the Mushes (Basically where the leaders stand) "Fishpaw!" All the Clans cheered except for NightClan. They hissed and snarled at the mention of Fishpaw's name. Except for Goldenpelt. She just stared at her paws.
Turtlestar frowned. Stormheart scowled. Foxpool grinded the antidote berries more harder than ever. Goldenpelt sobbed. Owleyes kept looking at the sky. Mistypaw shivered. Jayfur kept hissing. And Rosethorn well... kicked warriors. (I love my friend so much oml)
Foxpool was wondering why Rosethorn was acting so strange lately. Did she really want to go back to live with her Twolegs? Jayfur hissed and mentioned for the cats to look up. It was Netherstar, the leader of FireClan's turn to speak.
"We too have a new apprentice, Bloodstar," she announced. "Flamepaw!" The Clans cheered out Flamepaw's name, and Foxpool saw a bright orange apprentice who looked slightly embarrassed. That must be Flamepaw, she thought. Silly FireClan apprentice.
Once all the Clan leaders had spoken, Turtlestar signaled that the Gathering was over. "Why did everybody hate Fishpaw?" Mistypaw asked, her voice high and concerned. "Don't be ridiculous," Rosethorn hissed. "You know what happened yesterday. C'mon you have to go to the Feast."
Foxpool meowed in agreement. Turtlestar had arranged a Clan feast for all the NightClan members. "I can't wait to feast!" Mistypaw mewed excitedly. "I also feel like I already feasted while I was thinking about it!" She's got a buffet of excitement coming up Turtlestar happily thought.

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